It's called Landslide

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There were still two hours until the show. Fleetwood Mac were already at the venue, because they had to rehears. Neither Stevie nor Lindsey admitted it out loud, but inside they both wanted to make this show a great one, so their kids would be proud of them. Sara had always loved their music, she said that the record her parents made in the early 70’s was her favorite, which somewhat surprised both of them, but the other Buckingham children weren’t too keen on their work, maybe because their mother didn't allow it in the house, just maybe.

By the time Stevie’s dear friend Dave Stewart and her daughter landed, she was already gone from her hotel room, so when she saw them both at the side of the stage she stopped mid song and shrieked in excitement. 

“Good thing we’re only rehearsing.” Mick put his drumsticks away and walked in front of the kit.

“Well, I’m sorry Mick, I missed my baby!” Stevie shot him a look, letting go off Sara.

“Oh, you’re too kind, Stevie.” Dave joked hugging her tightly.

Lindsey knew how much fun Stevie had with the ex Eurythmics member while recording her latest album, he even thought there might had been something going on between the two and when he saw them up close and personal, he got jealous, but he wouldn’t show, there was no need for any tension. Instead he embraced his daughter. “You really surprised us by coming here today!”

“I got so excited when Karen told me I could, I missed you and mom so much.”

“We missed you too, darling.” Stevie joined them, while Dave went to say hi to Mick and John. “I hope you didn’t bother Dave too much.”

“She’s a delight.” Dave walked to stand beside Stevie. “Sara surely has got some talent, although, no wonder with such talented parents. I had no idea she sings.”

“She does.” Stevie said proudly.

“I used to imitate mom when I was this little!” Sara showed with her hand just above the floor. “It would annoy the hell out of her only because she knew it was all true.”

“You’re talking as if I’m not even here!”

“You always are, mom, you’re always here.” She put her hand over her heart and it made Stevie almost too emotional.

“Guys, I hate to break this up, but we still got a few songs left to go over.” Mick called from behind.

“Would you like to sing with us, Sara?” Lindsey suggested, putting his guitar strap back over his shoulder.

“I could?” She asked, not really believing it. She sung all the time everywhere and with both her parents too, but she never got to do that with the full line up of Fleetwood Mac.

“Knock yourself out.” Mick took his seat behind the drum kit.

“What song were you about to play?”

Lindsey looked at the setlist and back to his daughter. "Dreams, but we can pretend we were going to do Gypsy next.”

“No way!” The song was her favorite.

The four bandmates smiled at her reaction and the guys started playing. Stevie started singing the first few lines of the song then stepped aside and allowed Sara to take her over. Her voice sounded a lot like Stevie’s when she and Lindsey were playing in their early days prior to Fleetwood Mac, you could say like it did now, but without the raspyness. Stevie joined in harmonizing and everyone that was in the room had goosebumps, it was truly magical.

Dave, who was watching the whole thing from the side, started clapping after the song ended. “My god, this kid is a gem!”

“We like to think so.” Stevie nodded, putting her arm over Sara’s shoulders, Lindsey smiled proudly.

“Guys…” They heard Mick again. “I really hate to be the bad guy, but we don’t have much time left to practise.”

“Oh alright, you grumpy old man.” Stevie hugged Sara and Dave goodbye. “We’ll see you later.”

“Bye!” Sara said and the two left.

“Hey now… why the tears?” Lindsey went over to Stevie and embraced her.

“I’m just… I’m happy and I missed Sara and… it’s a bit too much all at once.”

“It’s ok, baby.” He kissed the top of her head.

“No, it is, really.” She nodded eagerly and smiled up at him. Lindsey simply couldn’t resist and kissed her on the lips, not really thinking about it. Silence fell upon them and Stevie quickly exited the stage after realization hit her. Not leaving any time for Mick or John ask him something, Lindsey started strumming his guitar, whatever came to his mind.


“Thank you so much!” Lindsey took a bow after finishing Big Love. His performance was followed by Landslide, so Stevie would just normally walk back out on stage and do her introduction and then he’d start playing, but for some reason he had to welcome her back. “The very beautiful, Stevie Nicks!”

She raised her eyebrow and shot him a look. It was adorable seeing him like this, but they hadn’t even talked about their relationship being known to other people. So Stevie just smiled and took her spot by the mic.

“I loved that little improvisation just then, Mr. Buckingham.” They usually would save their teasing for Without You, but she couldn’t resist.

“Only the truth, Ms Nicks.” Their interaction obviously caused the gathered crowd to cheer. Stevie faced the audience. “This next song is so important to me. I wrote it very quickly on a guitar, Lindsey taught me how to play and…” She stopped, allowing the public to gush. “Anyway. Tonight I’d say is a very special night to Lindsey and I. We were talking before and realized we haven’t had all four of our children…” The audience gasped and she quickly added. “Combined I mean! Our daughter and his three wonderful babies all together at one of the Fleetwood Mac shows. But as a matter of fact, we have that pleasure tonight. So, I would like to dedicate this song to William, Leelee, Stella and Sara Buckingham. It’s called Landslide.”

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