Chapter 1: Third year

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Lily dragged her trunk as she looked up to the familiar Hogwarts Express sign above her head. She heaved it into an empty compartment and began to wait for her friends. Several minutes later, three girls stumbled into the compartment, laughing like crazy. Arabella's brown curls were loose and tumbling down her shoulders, while Jennifer's length blond hair was frizzy.

"Where are on earth were you three?" asked Lily, frowning. "And why are you laughing?"

"Oh Lily," said Arabella gleefully, with tears in her eyes. "Snape...he just said to the whole train that he was in love with you! Then Malfoy dragged him off somewhere else, muttering something about Snape getting drunk. It was priceless!"

"Bella," sighed Lily.

"Didn't think Snape would still like a thing like you, Evans," came a familiar voice. All four girls turned around to see the famous Marauder and heartthrob of Hogwarts, James Potter, along with the rest of his gang.

"Shut up, Potter," snapped Lily.

"Not again," said Violet, moaning. "Lily, why can't you and James be friends and get it done with?"

"Because, Vi, I am not becoming friends with an egotistical jerk like Potter," snapped Lily angrily. "You know, James, life would be a whole lot better if you didn't strut around the school like you owned the place. Really, why can't you be more like Harry?"

"Because my parents aren't dead because of some psychotic wizard, that's why," said James nonchalantly.

"How dare you!" growled Lily.

"Will you guys grow up?" asked Jennifer, rolling her eyes. "Really, Lils, I expected you to be together with James. After all, you guys are in your third year already! And we're starting new subjects!" she cried gleefully.

"Yes, Divination and Care of Magical Creatures," said Lily happily. James' jaw dropped.

"No way am I going to be in my two new subjects with you!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Sirius, Remus, Peter and I signed up for the same subjects too!"

"How dare you!" cried Lily, yet again.

"It won't be so bad," said Jennifer, staring dreamily at Remus.

"Well, at least your enemy isn't in all your classes!"

"That's because, apart from all the Slytherins, I don't have any enemies, Lil. Unlike you, making enemies as you go along."

"And it's because you and Remus will be snogging the whole time during Divination. I wonder who's the Divination professor."

"It's that fraud, Trelawney," said Sirius, informing them all. "She's the idiot who tells everyone they're going to die."

"Well, I don't need to be told now that I'm dying, since I already know," said Lily grumpily.

"Arabella?" They all turned around to see Amos Diggory standing near their compartment door, and realized that they were having such a heated conversation that they barely heard the door slide open.

"Hello, Amos," said Arabella coldly.

"I was wondering if we're still on," he said sweetly.

"And you would think that, why?"

"Because no girl dumped me for very long," he replied smugly.

"Well, I'm together with Sirius again, and nothing's going to pull us apart," said Arabella, smiling at Sirius.

Amos scowled. "You little rat. No girl dumps Amos Diggory. I'm supposed to be the one who dumps them!" He suddenly clapped his hand over his mouth, realizing what he had just said.

"Don't you dare call her a rat," Lily struggled to find words to describe him.

"Ah, Lily, I suppose you would like to go out with me to Hogsmeade? After all, you are a third year this year and perhaps we can get a bit of butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks."

"No thank you, Amos, I think I'll pass on the offer," said Lily coldly.

James And Lily Potter: Third  yearWhere stories live. Discover now