Chapter 11: Third Year

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"Stop it," she said quietly.

"Make me." He pouted.

Lily leaned close to his ear and whispered, "Or else I'll find out whom you'd like as a girlfriend."

James reddened. "I fell for that when we were in our first year, but I'm not falling for it again. Nice try, Evans, maybe I'll believe you, say...maybe when we're all dead and gone?"

"This time, Potter, I'm not joking."

"And I would believe you, because—?"

"Because I always read advanced books for each topic, so naturally, I know how to whip up a Truth Potion. Not exactly strong like a Veritaserum, but it'll at least tell me who you have a crush on."

James was taken aback. "Fine, I'll listen to everything you tell me to do to get Arabella and Sirius back together again."

"Good." Lily rubbed her hands together, grinning evilly. "Now, let's get to work, shall we?"

Fifteen minutes later, the four of them, ashen-faced, were smiling with triumph.

"You know, Evans, this might actually work," mumbled James, too embarrassed to actually congratulate Lily openly in front of Jennifer and Remus...especially Jennifer.

"I'll take that as a compliment," said Lily, grinning at him. "Now then—everyone ready?"

"Ready," they all chorused.

The foursome all reached the Great Hall for lunch, still waiting in anticipation for the sign Lily was going to give them. They saw Arabella coming from another corridor, arm-in-arm with a blond boy with blue eyes. They all recognized him as one of the biggest players in Hogwarts—Jason Mackenzie, from Ravenclaw. Lily gritted her teeth and dragged the other three, who were still gaping at the couple, to the Gryffindor table.

"I can't believe Bella would go for that Mackenzie," said Jennifer, still shocked. "I mean, she knows he's the biggest player in this whole entire school and tries to make improper advances to every girl that falls for him."

"Bella's not stupid, she's just doing it to make Sirius jealous so he could save her from Jason's clutches," said Lily smoothly. "Now, are you all ready, or what? James, did you hear me?" She poked at James with her wand, and he came back to earth, obviously lost in thought.

"Thinking of Lily here?" asked Jennifer teasingly. James immediately blushed and turned to listen to Lily's little pep talk.

"Have you heard a word I said?" she demanded of him, seeing that he was poking at his food and not eating it.

"Huh?" he said bluntly.

Lily slapped her forehead. "Never mind. Are you ready for our plan?"

"What plan?"

"The plan to get Bella and Sirius together."

"Oh, that plan. Yeah, I'm ready."

Lily sighed. "That took a while."

"Potter's always been thick, you know, Lils," said Jennifer, trying to calm down her friend.

"He's not!" insisted Remus.

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Come on, Remie, I was only saying it for Lily's sake. Besides, we wouldn't want the same to happen to us like it did to Bella and Sirius, do we?"

Remus shrugged. "Oh, I suppose not."

"Sh, hurry up already, here they come!" whispered Lily excitedly.

Arabella came to the Gryffindor table nearly clinging to Jason, kissing his neck. Lily and Jennifer nearly threw up right here, while James and Remus' faces were both very red. Over near the Hufflepuff table, Sirius was staring angrily at Arabella but immediately started to kiss Alanna Macmillan passionately.

James And Lily Potter: Third  yearWhere stories live. Discover now