Chapter 15: Third Year

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A soft, light breeze played with Lily's hair, as she pushed a falling lock of red hair off her forehead. It was a few weeks until June arrived, and she knew that exams were just in last than a month already. The sun was shining brightly, and not a cloud was in the sky. Lily should have been enjoying all this, but she had other things to worry about, besides the exams. Arabella and Sirius were still "just friends", and she was extremely exasperated at their stubbornness. She was also concerned with what the Marauders were planning. Every day, she would see them actually talking seriously in front of the armchairs by the fire, glancing now and then to see if anyone was listening. What were they up to? And what did they mean by "very dangerous"?

"Lily!" She turned around, seeing James running towards her, grinning. Lily sighed. What did he want now?

"Yes?" she replied coldly. He ignored her cold civility and continued excitedly.

"W-would you like to g-go with me to H-Hogsmeade?" he managed to stumble out. Lily raised her eyebrows.

"And I would believe that this isn't a joke because—?"

James sighed. "Can you just say 'yes'?"

"No. Er—I'll think about it, all right?"

"All right." James' voice sounded extremely put-off and disappointed, but Lily waved it aside. He was probably disappointed that a girl turned him down, or at least almost turned him down.

Lily reached the castle again, swinging her bag over her shoulders. She groaned, as she looked up at the ceiling. Potions...her next class.

Professor Hurst looked extremely agitated over something when she reached the dungeons. She sat next to Arabella, who gave her a look that asked, "Where the hell were you?" Lily shook her head, nodding towards Hurst, who was muttering to himself.

As Hurst droned on and on about Jumping Potions, Lily found herself falling asleep. Though the dungeons were very cool even in the summer, she found that it was hotter than usual, and that she wasn't the only one who was bothered with it. Many students were asleep with their heads on their desks, and even Hurst was half-asleep, drool coming out of his mouth as he spoke. Suddenly, the door opened, revealing James grinning stupidly.

"Potter!" shrieked Hurst. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Er—I came in late?" offered James hopefully. Everyone laughed.

"No, wrong answer, Potter. Go take your seat." Then he continued with his droning.

"Bud, where were you?" asked Sirius curiously, as James sat down next to him.

"I was asking Lily to go with me to Hogsmeade," he said carelessly, taking out his Potions materials.

"And what did she say?" he asked eagerly.

"Er—she'd think about it."

Sirius cackled silently, annoying James even more.

"Shut it, will you?" he hissed.

"Oh, this is the first time James Potter has been turned down by a girl...namely, Lily Evans!" bellowed Sirius, so the whole class could hear. Everyone was stunned for a minute, as Professor Hurst glared at the pair of them.

"Black, Potter! What is the meaning of this?"

"Sirius started it, sir," said James, his eyes widening innocently. "You heard him talk out loud, didn't you?"

Hurst raised his eyebrows and sneered. "Potter, whenever Black does something, you're usually connected to it, too."

"Why would you say that, sir?"

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