Chapter 23: summer of third year

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The next day, James had attempted to apologise again, but Lily ignored him like he didn't even exist. Mrs. Evans was extremely troubled that Lily and James weren't speaking to each other, though she still wasn't told about the prophecy of Lily and James marrying, so she didn't fret all day. Mr. Evans always raised his eyebrows questioningly at either James or Lily whenever they passed him throughout that day. Petunia was out with her Dursley friends, Marge and Vernon, for a week, because she didn't want to hang around the house with eight "freaks". And so, it was only Evans, and Lily's friends at the lonely residence.

After a hearty breakfast of blueberry pancakes, muffins, and scrambled eggs, Arabella had cornered Lily on the way to her room.

"You have to accept James' apology," she begged. "He's been trying to apologize to you all yesterday and today so far. And you call Sirius and me stubborn!"

"Potter just can't stop insulting me, can he, even after I invited him to my house!" rambled Lily. "I mean, really, I 'dislike' him, and yet I was kind enough, out of the generosity of my heart, to invite him here for the whole summer."

"Well, he did invite you to his mansion last summer," added Arabella timidly.

Lily looked as if she were about to explode. "Yes, I suppose he did, but we were on good terms then..." She trailed off, knowing that she had lost the verbal battle.

Arabella snorted. "Lils, you've never been on good terms with James, ever."

"Better terms than now, then," she said quickly.

"Better terms with who?" asked Sirius, who saw his friend and girlfriend discussing seriously at the front of Lily's room.

"Lily's not going to accept James' apology," said Arabella, sighing. "If only she was slightly less stubborn now—"

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Really, Flower, Jamie didn't mean any harm; he never does. He just never thinks before he speaks, so he injures so many people emotionally. Don't worry, if you think you're suffering, then think again, because he is too. He kept me, Remie, and Pete up all last night moaning and complaining that you will never forgive him, and that Harry will never be born. It was mostly just rambles, but it did keep me from my beauty sleep. And Remus hates to be interrupted from his sleep."

"Well, I'm sorry if you didn't get enough sleep last night," said Lily sincerely, "but it wasn't my fault; it was Potter's, so don't blame me."

"What was my fault?" They turned around to see James peering at the threesome curiously.

"Mind your own business, Potter," snapped Lily nastily.

James was taken aback. "Whoa, I didn't mean to offend you there, Ms. Popular. I was only trying to find Sirius so we can discuss some private matters." He emphasised the last two words.

"Well, go ahead, take him, I've no need for him," said Lily coldly.

As soon as James reached the room where he was sharing with the other three boys, he slammed the door angrily behind him.

"I can't stand Evans!" he bellowed.

Remus and Peter were startled. "James, calm down," said Remus.

"I can't, Remie. For God's sake, why won't that girl just accept my apology? I didn't mean what I said, honest!"

"Perhaps she's just sick of you teasing and taunting her, James," said Remus softly. "Maybe you guys should—become friends. Give her a break, for heaven's sake. You guys are arguing every day about something."

"I can't help that she's so disagreeable."

"James, Lily will accept your apology when she's ready," said Sirius seriously. "In the meantime, what about our Animagi potion? It said in the book, How to Become Animagi that it takes nearly half a year to prepare the potion for drinking. So, we need to get a move on if we're actually going to become Animagi before we graduate from Hogwarts."

James And Lily Potter: Third  yearWhere stories live. Discover now