Chapter 27: summer of third year

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James was lingering around until it was Lily's turn to go inside. He pulled her back and said, "Look, I never really appreciated your hospitality this summer by inviting me over your house and stuff. I just wanted to say"—he took a deep breath—"that I'm sorry about the mean things I've said before, because I really didn't truly mean them. Forgive?"

Lily stared at his sudden outburst, open-mouthed, but then smiled. "Of course. Apology accepted. And I never did thank you properly myself when you invited me over your house last summer."

James smiled at Lily and kissed her hand. "You already did by inviting me over this summer."

She thought for a moment, pondering on his meaning. "Well...I suppose that's right."

"Hopefully we won't have another dream tonight," said James, sighing.

Lily grinned. "Actually, I like having those dreams. It gives us more insight on our future together."

"Yeah, you're right. Hey, I never knew perfect Evans could actually be sentimental!"

Lily slapped him playfully. "What about our truce?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about it! I guess I'm so used to hating you that I forgot about that speaking-term truce we made. Oh well."

"Huh! So, says you. I guess we'll have to call off the truce."

"What? No way! We worked very hard on promising to be on speaking-terms."

Lily snorted. "You got that right. Though sometimes I still long to through a tirade at you."


"Please Po—James, you sound like a four-year-old!"

"Maybe because I am a four-year-old!"

"Then why are you going to Hogwarts and scoring better than even me in Transfiguration?"

"'s because I'm so smart that Dumbledore accepted me at the age of four."

Lily grinned and shook her head. They went inside, still thinking about their separate thoughts.

As James entered the room that he was sharing with the rest of the Marauders, Sirius bombarded him with questions about what happened between him and Lily outside. James shook his head, clearly wondering if his best friend had lost his mind.

"I'm telling you, Siri, nothing happened between us!" he said crossly. "I just went to thank Lily for having me over the summer, knowing how much we—er—don't get along at school."

Sirius snorted at the understatement.

Remus smiled gently at his friend. "I'm glad that you and Lily came up with a truce, James. I was getting a bit impatient myself about how much you guys fight. The next step will be friendship and then"

"Oh, Remie, not you too," sighed James.

"What? I was only commenting. I don't matchmake people like Sirius does here—and have it end up a disaster."

"Hey!" Sirius pouted.

"Guys, keep it down, Peter's asleep," hissed James.

"Oh...whoops, sorry, Jamie-boy."

As they turned off the lights, James lay in his bed, thinking. What was to become of him after Hogwarts? He was entering his fourth year at Hogwarts. He knew that he was going to become an Auror; all Potters did. What about that threat that Voldemort had given him about the consequences of not joining the Dark Side? Would he have to give up everything, including the ones he loved, to protect himself, as the strongest Heir out of the four? He fell asleep quickly, the thoughts still swimming in his mind.

"Love is more powerful than any other type of emotion – it could even prevent death, if you love that person enough."

Meanwhile, in the girls' room, they were all pushing Lily to tell them what happened between her and James.

"Really, Belle, for the last time, nothing happened!" exclaimed Lily, crawling into bed, for she was exhausted.

"All right, Lils, but still..."

"I can't believe you came up with a truce with James!" added Jennifer. "How did you guys do it? You despise each other!"

"Well, Jen, we're on speaking terms now," replied Lily, smiling.

"Well, this is a different love story!" cried Arabella, sitting up in her bed. "Lily Evans Potter and James Potter have hated each other for many of their years at Hogwarts but became hesitant friends by their fifth year. Bounded by her beauty and his charms, they both fell in love and married straight out of Hogwarts. Tragically, however, the Dark Side began to gain power and a Dark wizard murdered Lily and James Potter. On a happier note, their son, Harry James Potter, lived and became famous and was a hero. The end!" She grinned down at her friend's hanging mouth. "Oh, it's so romantic! Just like Romeo and Juliet!"

"Bella! What a horrible thing to say—dying isn't romantic!" snapped Violet.

"Oh, Vi, don't be so touchy, I was only joking." Arabella looked worried. "I haven't offended you, have I, Lils?"

Lily shook her head. "Nah, I'm just thinking. Well, we'd better turn off the lights, tomorrow we go to Diagon Alley to get our school supplies, and we have to start packing, too. It's only a couple of days until September 1st!"

Everyone groaned, except for Lily. She loved Hogwarts, even more than her home. But as a grumbling Arabella turned off the lights, she had a sudden thought. What would become of her after Hogwarts? She knew she'd probably marry James, for some reason she didn't know yet, but what would she do? Lily pondered on it for a couple of seconds, running over various magical jobs she could get. Staying at home was definitely not an option for Lily. She wanted equal rights for witches as well as for wizards and staying at home would be abusing that equal right. If James was to become an Auror—then she'd have to stay home in order to take care of Harry. Lily sighed, thinking gloomily of the thoughts, but brightened again. She could raise Harry...teach him to read...teach him all his firsts! Then staying home didn't seem so bad any longer! But then she remembered Voldemort's threat to James. Too tired to think any longer, Lily fell asleep, still dreaming of the future and what lay ahead for the future Potter.

A/N That's another book done! fourth book to be posted soon! im finding my time to write which isn't a lot of the time. so when i do i'll post as many as i can!! 

See you in the next book what will be in store for James and Lily in their fourth year?!

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