Chapter 17: Third year

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"You leave her alone, Sirius Black, or I'll hex you good," she threatened, poking her wand at his chest.

"What did I do, though?" questioned Sirius, bewildered.

"Just"—Lily struggled to find the right words—"just forget about it, all right? Why would you care, anyway? You guys aren't friends at all. There's always a tension around whenever you two talk to each other. So why would YOU care?"

"I—" Sirius was lost for words. He looked at James pleadingly for help, but his best friend looked away.

"And to think you said that James and I were perfect for each other."

Everything was stiffer for everyone now. Lily dragged all her friends to study for the exams, and sighed as she stared at the Divination charts horrifically. Jennifer and Remus were still going steady, though the latter acted rather strange lately, and the boys were in more huddled conversations.

"Remus J. Lupin, come here," said Jennifer threateningly, grabbing the arm of her boyfriend and dragging him to a darker corner of the common room.

"Yes, Jenny?" asked Remus, rather nervously.

Jennifer sighed. "Remie, everyone's unhappy lately. Lily and James, naturally, aren't talking to each other, but they never do without wishing the other ill will, so forget about them for now. Arabella and Sirius need to get together—everyone knows it, even the slimy Slytherins. We need to make everyone happy again, like we were at the beginning of the year and in the past two years. Please Remus, you have to help me." She begged. "Along with Lily and James, of course."

Remus smiled. "Of course I will, Jen."

Jennifer smiled back. "Good, 'cause I wasn't taking 'no' for an answer."

"Ouch! Stop it, Potter!"

"You stop it, Evans!"



"James Henry Potter and Lily Roseanne Evans, stop arguing this instant!" shrieked Jennifer, as she sighed in impatience.

"Can't you guys become friends?" asked Remus mournfully.

"No!" they both yelled.

"You guys, are you going to help Siri and Bella, or what?" questioned Jennifer wearily.

"Of course we will, Jenny!" exclaimed Lily in surprise.


"All right," said both Lily and James in a small voice.

"Good." After Jennifer calmed down a bit, she discussed the plan with Lily, James, and Remus. After a few minutes of whispering and planning, James jumped up.

"You mean we get them to hate each other?" he shouted in surprise.

"No, you git!" said Lily impatiently. "Not even close to what we're doing! We get Sissy Lambert and Frank Longbottom to be Sirius and Arabella's girlfriend and boyfriend, respectively. Then those two will get jealous, obviously, so they make up and there we have it, folks, our old, favourite couple again!" Her voice dripped with sarcasm and bitterness.

"All right, then, no need to be angry."

James And Lily Potter: Third  yearWhere stories live. Discover now