Chapter 8: Third year

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"That girl really never ceases to amaze me," commented James, still dazed after Bella left.

"Yeah, isn't she great?" asked Sirius dreamily. "I am so glad she's my girlfriend. We belong together; I know it."

"So does the rest of the school, Sirius."

Sirius whacked James in the head. "Hey, shut it Potter. I have a proper girlfriend, unlike that Melissa Andrews. What were you thinking, dating something like her?"

James shrugged. "I'm planning to dump her tomorrow anyway. Bella is right, Sirius. The only thing that's standing between Lily and me is time. And I'm not going to let it stand there forever."

Lily was awake early the next day. Christmas was in one week and she would spend it without her family. Of course, she was slightly unhappy that her parents wouldn't be there, but joyous that Petunia wouldn't. And none of her friends had left for the holidays, which was a good thing, for they could spend it all together.

"I'm glad—and surprised—to see you up early, Bella," she said, grinning, as her half-awake friend stared across the table. Lily looked over to see what she was staring at and saw Melissa Andrews crying by herself at the Hufflepuff table. She rolled her eyes and started to eat, ignoring the blue-eyed blonde crying her eyes out.

"I'll bet you Potter dumped her," she informed Arabella. "He could never keep a girlfriend, ever."

"I actually feel a bit bad for Andrews," said Arabella. She slapped her forehead and grinned stupidly at Lily. "I think I really needed that."

Lily rolled her eyes just when the rest of her friends and the Marauders entered the Great Hall.

"Oi! Potter!" she called, as he passed her seat. "I suppose even Melissa Andrews isn't good for you, huh? I guess you'll be going through the Slytherins next."

James glared at her and sat down next to Violet. "I didn't know she was that evil. I think Evans could pass for a Slytherin," he said, to no one in particular.

Violet gasped and glared at him, moving to a different spot. He heard Peter sigh audibly and looked around at everyone.

"Why is everyone so mad at me?" he asked Sirius.

"Because you've been acting like a great prat, James, no offense."

James turned to Sirius and said quietly, "I'm going to apologize to her right now."

He got up and walked to where Lily was sitting. Her three friends looked up and saw him towering over them, and nodded their heads, smiling. James cleared his throat when he reached Lily, but Lily jumped up and ran out of the Great Hall. He sighed, and followed her, assuming that she went back to Gryffindor Tower.

"Password?" the Fat Lady asked as he approached the portrait, panting.

"Pig snout," he gasped, clutching his chest for breath.

He rushed up to the girls' dormitory where Lily was sitting on her bed, staring at nothing in particular.

"Lily, you have to forgive me," said James, a pleading look in his eyes. "I—I broke up with Melissa. I knew she wasn't the one for me, I just wanted to impress you."

Lily's head shot up and stared into his eyes. "To impress me?" she croaked. "Why?"

"I have no idea," admitted James. "I've been a great prat, I know, and I'm really sorry. Please forgive me."

Lily sighed. "I may as well, since you're giving me no peace at all. I forgive you."

"Thanks." James breathed a sigh of relief. "Friends?"

"In your dreams, Potter."

They walked into the Great Hall together, where their friends were eagerly discussing something in whispers. They grinned when they saw Lily and James standing next to each other.

"Are you guys friends?" asked Violet hopefully.

"Nope," they said in unison. "But we don't hate each other anymore."

"So do you like each other?" asked Sirius, confused.


"Then what are you guys?"

"We dislike each other," they said together. Everyone rolled their eyes and laughed.

"Well, I guess some things never change," said Arabella, looking hopeless.

"That's a good thing," replied Remus, grinning.

The six friends smiled at Lily and James chatting and arguing together, knowing that the two would give in...someday, if not now. And they would be in for a love story greater than life itself.

A/N - (Sorry for the short chapter guys!!!)

James And Lily Potter: Third  yearWhere stories live. Discover now