Chapter 14:Third Year

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"Lily...thanks for the pin," he said, grinning. "It's really cool."

Lily smiled. "Oh, James, thank you for that beautiful journal. It's so lovely! It must've cost you a fortune!"

"Nah." James blushed. "We—er—well, we have plenty of money at home, so I decided to buy you that when I saw it at Dervish and Banges. I take it that you like it, then?"

"I love it!" Lily hugged him and kissed him gently on the lips. Suddenly, she pulled away, blushing furiously.

"Sorry," she muttered.

"Lils?" She looked up to see James grinning like an idiot.


"Can we do that again?"

They started to kiss again, enjoying the savor of the other's mouth, until they pulled away, breathless. Then Lily got up, extremely confused.

"What just happened there?"

James was equally puzzled. "I have no idea. D'you think we had too much pumpkin juice or something?"

"Yeah, definitely."

When night came, and they got ready for bed, Lily and James both had the same dream again.

"Lily, push, push now!" cried a black-haired man as he urged his wife.

"Ugh! James Henry Potter, I hate you!"

"Surely I'm not that bad."

"You are, Potter!"

"So are you...Potter!"

Lily continued to scream until the nurse whispered to her, "Mrs. Potter, here is your new baby boy."

Lily and James carefully moved closer to each other and smiled at the small baby crying. Then the baby opened his eyes carefully, revealing two large green orbs. He already had a small tuft of black hair, which the nurse told them as very unusual, since babies didn't start growing hair until the age of one.

"He has his father's hair and most of his looks," said Lily quietly, holding onto her husband's hand.

"And he has his mother's eyes," whispered James. He held Lily closer to him. "I love you, Lily Potter," he whispered in her ear.

"I love you, too, James Potter."

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Sirius and Remus flew in, their eyes sparkling with mirth.

"So this is the little mini-Marauder?" squealed Sirius. "Oh, Uncle Sirius will teach you everything you know, little fellow!"

Just then, the door opened again, this time revealing three women, who looked as equally as excited as Sirius and Remus did.

"Oh, Lily, he's absolutely adorable!" gushed an older-version of Arabella. She quickly kissed Sirius on the cheek, smiling. "And I'm his godmother, too."

"Hey, don't forget me, I'm his godfather!" cried Sirius, pretending to be hurt.

"Aww...poor baby, do you want me to kiss you to make you all better?" mocked Arabella.

"Guys, not here, the baby will get ideas when he's older," joked Remus. But he quickly took that back when Jennifer wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed it softly.

"I love you, Remus Lupin," she hissed in his ear. Remus smiled and turned his head, so that their lips met.

"I love you, too, Jennifer Dean soon-to-be-Lupin." Jennifer chuckled softly.

"All right, off with the mushy stuff, I can't stand it!" exclaimed Sirius, waving his arms around like a maniac.

"Gee, don't fuss, Sirius."

Lily quieted all of them. "Look...he's sleeping."

"Aww...aren't you the cutest widdle, widdle baby!" cooed Arabella, tickling his stomach gently. She received a gurgle and a giggle in response.

"Look, he likes me!" she cried. "Oh, my little godson wuvs his godmother, yes he does!"

The rest of the adults laughed. "Oh, Bella, you never do change, do you?" asked Jennifer, shaking with laughter.

"Like I always say, Jen, some things never change," said the older version of Violet, grinning.

"What are you going to name him?" asked Remus curiously. "You guys never told us. You said you'd tell us as a surprise."

"Yeah, tell us!" chanted Arabella.

Lily and James smiled at each other, sharing that secret smile only reserved for them.

"We're naming him Harry," said Lily, beaming.

"Harry James Potter," added James. "Middle name after mine, and first name after my father." He choked.

Sirius patted his friend's shoulder. "It's all right, mate, you're father would be proud right now. After all, he did die serving under a good name. Don't think about it, James. After all, you have a new member of the family to celebrate about!"

Lily smiled. "Sirius is right, James...for once."

"Hey, I resent that!"

They all laughed, and all loving the little baby boy that would someday become a huge part of each other their lives.

For once, Lily and James didn't wake up from their dreams as before. They both smiled peacefully in their own respected dormitories, and slept the most peaceful that they've ever slept before. All because of a little boy named Harry that would become a huge part of their lives later on in life.

James And Lily Potter: Third  yearWhere stories live. Discover now