Chapter 10: Third year

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Lily, however, was having similar thoughts. She never knew, or noticed, rather, that James was extremely handsome. He had an untidy black hair and deep brown eyes that were full of mischief and kindness. She shook her head at the reverie. Surely, perhaps James Potter is caring and handsome, but he certainly didn't act like it to her. No, Potter was definitely still a bloody git—that was for sure.

"Lily and James Potter," whispered Sirius to Arabella, as Lily and James continued pondering in their own little worlds, "it has a nice ring to it."

Arabella smirked. "That it does, Sirius. I wonder when the two dodos will finally realize that it was love at first sight when they first laid eyes on each other."

Sirius sat up abruptly. "You know, Bella," he said, grinning wickedly. "We never did know what happened when Lily and James met. I met them on the Hogwarts Express and you met them on the train. We never knew what happened at King's Cross though, before they went through Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters."

"By golly, you're right, Siri," said Bella, her eyes widening. "D'you think James was being a prat and called Lily 'carrots', or something?"

"Yeah, probably."

"What are you guys talking about?"

They both turned around to see Lily and James staring at them like they had a pimple on their face or something. Come to think of it, did they have a pimple? Both pre-teens hoped that they didn't.

"Well?" Lily was tapping her foot impatiently.

"Well what?" asked Arabella innocently.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Don't play innocent with me, girl. I know what you guys were talking about—me and Potter."





"Shut UP already," said James impatiently.

"It's not like you ever do anything different with Sirius," snapped Bella.

"Well...we plan pranks on the Slytherins and Evans," said James smoothly. "Along with Remus and Peter, of course. But Sirius and I are the real masterminds behind it all. I mean, Remus is a part of us too, but Peter...For some reason, I don't feel as if he really belongs with us three."

"Peter's a prat," said Arabella viciously. "He's nothing but a coward."

"Bella!" All three were shocked. "How could you say that? Peter's in Gryffindor!"

She snorted. "Well, I certainly don't know what was wrong with the Sorting Hat when it sorted him into this House. He doesn't belong at all. Shows no sign of courage, friendship...anything. Peter also seems kind of suspicious, too. I have a bad feeling about him."

"Don't let Vi hear you," warned Lily.

Arabella smirked. "Don't worry, I won't, Lils. I just can't put a finger on it though—what's wrong with Peter? I mean, I feel like he's definitely not an auspicious sign to our lives, but..."

"Arabella Figg, how can you say such things?" asked Sirius angrily. "Peter is our friend, you have no business to say things like that about him."

"Well! I just can't help it, it's not like you have to agree with me," Bella shot back. She was getting furious as well.

"Oh great," muttered James, "here we go again. This time Bella isn't going to go for Diggory, though."

"She's wouldn't dump Sirius again, would she?" whispered Lily.


"Thanks a lot, Potter, you make me feel so much better."

"Oh, you're welcome."

Lily growled, and Arabella and Sirius still continued to argue. Unfortunately, James had been right about what he had said.

"Bella," said Lily sadly, looking at her best friend pitifully, "please make it up to Sirius. It was only a stupid argument after all. You guys really lo—like each other. You remember last guys broke up because of a stupid, senseless argument about me."

"Well, why should he be so sensitive?" snapped Arabella, thrusting open a set of drawers and began taking out make-up. "If he's not making up to me, I'm not making up to him." She began applying on mascara and lip-gloss.

Lily couldn't stand it any longer. She rushed out of the dormitory, in search of Jennifer and Violet, who were plotting ways to get Arabella and Sirius back together.

"Jen...Vi..." she gasped, as she reached the common room. "Bella's putting on make-up. Can you believe that? She told me she'd never put on make-up, unless if it was a special occasion, and here she's putting on mascara!"

"She said she'd never put on that stuff; it'll make her look like a freak!" cried Violet.

"Guys, I don't think we should put them back together," said Jennifer quietly.

"WHAT?" cried Violet and Lily. "WHY?"

"Because this time it's more extreme than last time. Bella's going nuts and Sirius can't sleep at all. We can't interfere with that kind of hatred and misery. They need to get back to themselves. If we try helping, and it backfires just like last time, they'll hate each other for the rest of their lives!"

Lily sighed. "You're right, Jen. But we should at least try getting them near each other to apologize."

Jennifer grinned. "Ah, Lily, that's where the fun part begins."

"Fun part?" They turned around to see Remus and James standing behind them. Remus was looking suspiciously at Jennifer.

"What are you guys planning?"

"We're trying to find ways to get Sirius and Arabella near each other, so they can apologize."

"Why not just get them together?" asked James.

The three girls looked at each other. "We think that it's better for them to get together by themselves this time."

Remus looked relieved, but James stared at them, shaking his head.

"Nah, they're both too damn stubborn to get themselves together," he said.

"How would you know?" demanded Lily.

"Because Sirius is my best friend," he replied, rolling his eyes. "Really, Evans, you can be so thick at times..."

"Well, Bella's my best friend," Lily interrupted.

"And that would help because—?"

"Last time you tried helping, everything backfired."

James looked insulted. "It did not. They still got together again, didn't they?"


"So, that means I'm a genius."

Lily snorted, and Jennifer giggled, snuggling close to Remus. She glared at the couple, then back at James again, who was making kissing-faces at her.

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