Chapter 5: Third Year

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"Hello? Earth to Lily and James Potter!" said Sirius, waving his hand in front of their faces.

Both turned extremely red. "We're not Lily and James Potter."

"Then who are you?"

"Lily Evans and James Potter."

"You mean Lily soon-to-be-Potter and James Potter."

James sighed, exasperated, and Lily rolled her eyes.

"Talk about idiots," she muttered.

"James!" exclaimed Sirius suddenly, scrambling to his feet. "We—have to work on the potion."

The girls gave them quizzical looks as James' face went white. He dragged the other three boys with them to their dormitory, while Jennifer raised her eyebrows.

"Do you guys have a feeling they're not telling us something?"

"I always have that feeling with them," said Arabella, rolling her eyes.

"Probably doing something against the school rules...again," said Lily, bored. "Is it ever surprising, Jenny? They're born troublemakers."

"Yeah...but I have a feeling that they're doing something, well, illegal," said Jennifer uneasily. "I'm going to spy on them."

"Whatever you say, Jen," said Violet, staring off into space.

"Are any of you coming with me?" asked Jennifer incredulously. Her face fell when the three other girls shook their heads.

"What's the point?" asked Arabella lazily. "They're probably plotting their next prank on Snape."

Jennifer left and returned five minutes later, her face looking disappointed.

"Well, what did you learn?" asked Lily, her nose buried in Hogwarts, A History.

"Nothing," she replied grumpily. "Even Remie wouldn't tell me anything, and he always tells me something about what they plan. They all told me to go away and mind my own business when I asked."

"Potter's going to be in for it," said Lily, through gritted teeth. "Oh, how I'd love to get my hands on that ego of his and shrink it so he'll feel so ashamed of himself that he'll—"

"Lils, I'm surprised at you! After actually staying at his house over the summer and sharing a bed with him, you still hate him?" Arabella put on a surprised face. "How could you?"

"First of all, Belle, I did not share a bed with James Henry Potter. Second of all, I—"

"What's this about Jamie-boy's middle name?" asked Sirius curiously, as the boys came into the common room.

"What's it to you, Black?" snapped Jennifer. "You're the ones who kicked me out when I was just wondering what you were doing."

"Yeah—um, that's what we—er—came here to talk to you about." Sirius shifted nervously and glanced over to Remus.

"Jenny, you know I'm a"—he kept his voice down—"a werewolf."

"Yeah?" Jennifer was squinting at the foursome suspiciously.

"So—the guys decided to do something to help me," he continued nervously. "And—well—" He stared around at his three friends. "Guys, I can't do this."

"Then don't," said James, stepping forward. "Look, girls, we'll tell you when we're ready, but what we're doing is really dangerous, and we can't have you know just yet."

Lily, Arabella, and Violet shrugged, but Jennifer still looked between the four.

"Why can't you tell us?" she asked, biting her lip. "Is it that important that you can't even tell your friends?"

"Look, Jen, we don't really care," said Arabella, standing up. "When they're ready, they can tell us, but for now, just let it go."

"You know, Remus means a lot to me," continued Jennifer, ignoring Arabella. "If you don't tell me what's wrong with him..."

"There's nothing wrong with him!" said Sirius quickly. "You know, we're just trying to help him during his transformations and—" He clapped his hand over his mouth in horror.

"You're trying to keep a werewolf in check?" asked Jennifer in disbelief. "You could get killed!"

"Jen," said Lily softly, also stepping forward. "They're big boys, they can handle whatever they're going to do."

"I know, but they're so foolish, and Remus could bite any of them..." She trailed off, and ran to the girls' dormitory, tears spilling from her eyes.

Arabella rounded on the four boys like an angry hippogriff. "Thanks a bunch, you two." She, along with the other two girls, ran up to comfort Jennifer.

Remus stared at his friends, his eyes blank. "Now she hates me," he said bluntly.

"Remus, Jen will get over it," said James, trying to feel as confident as he sounded. "Er—it just needs time, like with Sirius and Bella."

"They were different," he said quietly. "Jenny, she can be stubborn sometimes."

James laughed uncomfortably. "Sirius and Bella are more stubborn than anyone we've known."

"I know. But still."

"We know, Remus. We'll help Jennifer understand."

"Those bloody prats," growled Arabella, putting her arm around Jennifer. "Why, I ought to kill 'em all. Especially that bloody Remus, oh how he'll get it..."

"Bells," said Lily sternly. "Jen doesn't need this now."

"R-Remus, w-why won't he t-tell me w-what they're up t-to?" sobbed Jennifer.

"Because he's a bloody prat," said Arabella bitterly. Lily glared at her.

"Maybe it's too important for them to tell us, Jenny. You know how they are, secretive about everything. Besides, we can't know everything about their personal lives; they're bound to have some privacy." She chuckled weakly.

James And Lily Potter: Third  yearWhere stories live. Discover now