Chapter 3: Third year

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"Fine, I admit it, I did learn what fun really meant, James. All thanks to you." With that, she hugged him briefly and returned to her book, smiling slightly with red cheeks.

Everyone else tried not to laugh at James' open mouth and red face. His face took on one of those dreamy looks reserved for Lily, and he sighed happily. Arabella, along with Jennifer and Violet, had burst out laughing. The boys were still silent, smiling at their friend. Yes, James was definitely in love all right. They could all see it in his eyes and his every move. It was too obvious, though he wouldn't admit it at all.

"What all you all laughing at?" he asked, confused. That made them laugh harder and James more confused.

Lily was blushing like crazy. "Er—you know, guys, maybe you should stop laughing."

Arabella grinned at her best friend evilly. "C'mon, Lils, kiss Jamie."

Lily's smile faded. "WHAT?"

"Kiss him."


"Geez, don't get so touchy, she was only joking," said Sirius, grinning.

"Well, she had better be!" exclaimed Lily. "I'm not kissing Potter. Never."

"Is that a promise?"

Lily hesitated. "No. Because I know we'll probably end up 'loving' each other. Just not now."

"Sirius Black, how can you eat so much?" asked Arabella, staring at her boyfriend as he gobbled down everything there was on the table.

"Hey," he said through a mouthful of pudding, "at least you don't have to worry about me becoming anorexic."

James and Remus snorted into their own Yorkshire pudding and Jennifer frowned.

"That's not a joking matter," she said firmly.

"Jen, don't worry, Sirius was just fooling like always," said Remus, a plead in his gray eyes as he reached out for her hand. "Don't take it seriously."

Jennifer smiled. "I suppose."


James groaned. "You guys are always sweet on each other. Why don't you just get married and begone with it?"

They both glared at him. "Because we're way too young." Jennifer and Remus looked at each other in surprise.

"Lily, why aren't you eating?" asked Violet, concerned.

Lily sighed. She just wasn't in the mood to eat. Her thoughts were all jumbled together as she poked her fork into her potatoes, and bit her lip. The future. It was what was tormenting her and James' lives. If only they didn't get married and get on to hating each other for the rest of their lives. Then Harry would no longer exist and defeat evil...Oh, it was all so confusing!

"Are you all right?" asked Remus quietly.

"Oh!" she cried in a high-pitched tone. "Yes, yes, I'm fine."

"You don't sound like it," said James, frowning.

"Why would you care?" she snapped. "You hate me."

"I don't—" he began, but she cut him off and started to eat furiously, an appetite that would rival Sirius'.

"Whoa, slow down there, Flower!" he exclaimed, staring at Lily. "You eat more than I do!"

"I don't think that's possible, Sirius," she said, grinning. "Want to have a contest?"

"You're on, girl."

Ten minutes later, Lily was smiling triumphantly at Sirius, who was groaning over a bad stomach ache.

"Go to Madame Pomfrey," she suggested, her eyes softening at the groaning boy.

"No, she'll perform surgery on me," he said, clutching painfully at his stomach.

"I'm sorry for making you do the stupid contest," Lily offered.

Sirius shook his head. "Nah, I was too thick to accept the dare."

Arabella and James cleared their throats and Lily jumped.

"What?" she asked, annoyed. "What did I do now?"

"You do know you guys are flirting, right?" asked Bella, rather testily.

"Uh...sorry Bella, that's your area of expertise. I don't 'flirt' with boys."

"Well, thanks for lying to me, James," said Arabella angrily, as James started to crack up, causing all the other Gryffindors to stare at them. "Now my best friend is mad at me and my boyfriend thinks I'm cracked."

"S-so sorry, B-Bella, b-but it's j-just t-too funny!" choked James, still laughing.

"Er—" It was one of the fifth year prefects, and she was looking at James like he was crazy.

"What?" he asked.

"Er—you know everyone else in the Great Hall already left, right?"

James And Lily Potter: Third  yearWhere stories live. Discover now