Chapter 16: Third year

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"I can't believe that Sirius is a player!" she cried. "When he was together with Bells, he was so sweet and caring to everyone, and didn't have these sick-minded thoughts. And now that he's dumped Bella and only 'friends' with her, he's just like Jason Mackenzie and Amos Diggory." She sighed hopelessly and began fingering the Dungbombs in the display case listlessly.

"Don't feel that way," said James softly. "Sirius is my best friend—but I have to admit it, you're right. He's not the same without Arabella. But I guess we can't play matchmaker on them, unless we want them both killed."

"And," continued Lily, ignoring James, "Bella is dating that Patil kid. What happened between him and Deanna?"

"Let me guess: they slept together, Deanna got pregnant, and now Kevin left her to take care of the baby. Yep, I think that's it."

"Is it true?" asked Lily, horrified.

"Well, it could be," replied James, shrugging.

Just then, a group of giggling girls passed them, sniggering and pointing at James. Then one of them fluttered their eyelashes at him, and they all walked out of the store, still grinning and hyperventilating to have met the famous James Potter from school. James turned a bright shade of red while Lily smiled at him.

"So this is what your life is, huh? Girls chasing and madly in love with you wherever you go."

"You have no idea, Evans."

"Actually, I do have a pretty good idea. Every day I have idiotic boys chasing and following me around the corridors. I, of course, ignore them, unlike you, who loves every attention you get from—"

"That's not true!" demanded James.

"Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Hot-shot, but you do look like you enjoy all of the attention." Lily scowled fiercely. "Now since you've dragged me here, aren't you going to buy anything?"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot." James searched around the store for fifteen minutes, coming back with two bags full of jokes and pranks. "Let's go."

They came out, Lily also carrying one of James' heavy bags, and set off towards Honeydukes, where Arabella and Sirius were examining the Pepper Imps, grinning evilly at each other.

"Hey," greeted Lily, as they went to where they were standing.

"Oh, Lils, we have a brilliant plan," said Arabella, her eyes sparkling excitedly. Lily raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, but what about Kevin?" she asked innocently. Arabella coloured.

"I'm still going out with him, but he's somewhere at the Three Broomsticks with his friends."

"How come he dumped Deanna for you?"

"He got her pregnant, didn't he?" exclaimed James, jumping.

"Er—well, actually, I'm not sure what happened," she admitted. "He avoided the topic when I asked."

"Duh. That's because...ouch! What the heck was that for, Evans?" Lily nodded her head towards Kevin, who was headed their way.

"Oh! Er—hello, Kevin," said James politely. Kevin sneered at him.

"Hmm...if it isn't the Mr. Hot-shot himself, James Potter, along with Miss I'm-So-Wonderful, Lily Evans." Both Lily and James turned bright red.

"Leave them alone, Kevin, they didn't do anything to you," snapped Arabella.

"Why, didn't they, Ella, my dear?" Arabella cringed at the nickname. "James Potter refused the woes of poor Deanna Jackson, that's what. I only dated her to comfort her, but since she had to leave school at such a young age of fourteen—" He pretended to sigh wistfully.

James And Lily Potter: Third  yearWhere stories live. Discover now