Chapter 11

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After dining on a hearty stew, we lay on the sofa, once again in front of the fireplace. Soothing instrumental music fills the room. Outside, rain pelts sideways against the big glass windows and wind squeals through the trees. An occasional bolt of thunder makes Cassie jump like a cat.

"Do you get storms like this frequently?" She snuggles further under a thick, knitted afghan I'd tucked around her.

"Often enough."

I am on edge, but trying not to show it. This storm is a warning. A message. It isn't the first time. Tonight, while Cassie sleeps, I will fine-tune the next step in the plan. The discussion before dinner was unsettling. I'd revealed too much about the consequences of failing. Never should I have said anything which could be construed as guilting Cassie into staying. Only my actions should convince her. Tonight the Gods are unhappy with me—rightly so. I would have to proceed more carefully. If I continued to anger the Gods, they will take her away. It will be my demise.

Tearing my gaze from the fire, I settle it back on the woman across from me. The day has taken a toll on her, physically and mentally. A few minutes ago, she caved and dozed off. Her silky dark hair rests against the throw pillow. Pink lips hold the slightest of smiles. Cassie has an innocent, natural beauty she's totally unaware of. Even if I hadn't been purposely steered in her direction, if I'd merely stumbled across her, meeting by chance like any ordinary man, I would have been instantly attracted. Sitting in the Vegas bar, watching her, my heart had thudded with emotion every time she neared.

It was unlike any experience I've ever had with a woman. The strength of these feelings don't scare me. Rather, they provide the motivation to see this through.

You will be mine, sweetness. This, I know deep in my heart. I tilt my head skyward. Thank you for this gift. I will cherish her forever. I won't let you down.

Cassie shifts on the narrow sofa. It is late. Standing, I scoop her into my arms, carrying her to the bedroom. After removing the hoodie and her socks, I cover her with the sheets and quilt. Despite my better judgment, I press a delicate kiss onto her temple, before shutting the door behind me.


Steam from the shower fills the large bathroom. I strip my clothes away and step under the flow of water spraying from two different shower heads. Water pours over me, the heat relaxing muscles I hadn't known were tense. Unfortunately, it doesn't ease the hardness of my cock. The damned thing has been like a rock all day. Normally, I'd provide my own relief in that department, but not tonight. Not this week. I do, however, allow myself a few swift strokes, hoping to ease this aching need. A bad idea. The action only makes me crave Cassie more.

The damned woman is a part of me, in my blood, in my soul, in my heart. Pappa had warned me it happened this way. Of course, I scoffed, unable to believe falling in love was this easy. Well, under normal circumstances, it wouldn't have happened. I've loved before—or so I thought. Never was it like a sledgehammer of awareness in my gut, my heart. Those times, it had grown. Slowly. Love morphed from like. I'd even sworn one of those loves were The One meant to be. But I'd been young and foolish. They weren't the love. Simply stronger versions of like. Every time one of those loves ended I was confused and surprised. Empty.

None of those experiences had ever been this intense.

Snapping out of my reverie, I finish showering and dry off with a fluffy towel. My turgid cock hasn't given up. Wiping the steam from the mirror, I study myself. I let my hair down for the shower. The wavy golden mass falls in wet clumps over my shoulders and midway down my back. The image of my tanned, muscular torso fills the glass and a hard, serious warrior stares back. The vision is at odds with what Cassie saw. That is what she must see for now. Gentleness, love, devotion. One day, she'll see this side. The Gunnar who fights and wins every battle, comes out on top of every task and situation I put myself in, no matter how dangerous. She won't expect that. It will be the toughest part of winning her heart and trust.

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