Chapter 13

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"Gunnar." Her brown eyes search mine. "What happened this morning?"

I'd managed to put off this discussion for another hour, encouraging Cassie to shower and change while I did the same. Time was up. In response, my sigh is heavy, but not as heavy as my soul.

Gods forgive me.

"I had a job to do last night. It took longer than expected. I should have been back before you woke this morning. I'm sorry I worried you." Yeah, this answer is going to open a whole new line of questioning. There's no way to avoid it.

"Where did you go? How did you get there? Your car was here."

We take seats on a leather sofa in front of the windows. The sun warms the room and the day is clear, allowing a perfect view over the trees to the fjord in the distance. I stare out at the fjord as if it holds the reasonable explanation I'm searching for. The balance of telling the truth—which I want to do—and presenting it in a way she'll understand without overwhelming her is not easy.

"Do you remember me telling you about certain skill sets of mine?" It's killing me to reveal this. It's too soon, but it can't be helped.


"This is extremely hard to explain in detail. Over time, once you decide to stay with me..." My grin is momentarily mischievous. "...I can and will explain everything more thoroughly. Do you understand?"

Cassie nods uncertainly. "I think so."

"Traveling is one of those skills." Wait for the reaction...and, there it is. A dash of belief masked by a bucketful of skepticism.

"Um, everyone travels, Gunnar. Nothing special about that." She laughs nervously, aware there's going to be more to it than hopping in a car or on a plane, yet not certain she's ready to hear it or believe it.

"You know there's more to traveling for me don't you?"

"Probably. Go on." Her shoulders sag.

"The box on my dresser? I keep something very special in there. It was empty when you saw it."

Her face turns a pretty shade of pink. "I'm sorry, Gunnar. I didn't intend to snoop. I was bringing you coffee...and then you weren't there."

My fingertips brush her hair over her shoulder. I could care less that she was in my room. She could tear the damned place apart and I wouldn't mind. I have no secrets. Well, at least none that are permanent. "No. Do not worry about that. You'd have found out soon enough. When I wear the necklace, it allows me to do certain things. Including travel quickly to places I need to be."

"Like time traveling?"

"Not exactly, but close enough. And the chair? I'm sure you noticed my chair."

"Uh, yeah. I kinda did." She blinks, confused. "Why is it so warm?"

"What?" I've literally been shot through with electricity. "You sat in the chair? It was warm for you?"

"Um, no. I...I touched it. Then, I couldn't let go."

"Oh, Gods." I'm stunned. "You are for real. If I ever had any question, that proves it."

"What do you mean, Gunnar?"

"Cassie, if you weren't meant to be The One, that chair would have felt like any other chair in this house."

Unable to contain my coursing emotion, I tug her against me, wrapping an arm tightly around her waist, and burying my other hand in her long hair. Cassie gasps as I crash my mouth onto hers, letting loose all the passion I've been stuffing down for the past month.

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