Chapter 32

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In front of a full-length mirror on the closet door, a female superhero stares back at me, launching me into fits of laughter.

"What is it?" Wide-eyed, Gunnar is stunned by my reaction.

"Am I going out to battle good and evil in the forest today? I feel ridiculous. Surely, jeans would be good enough."


His hand once again lands on my ass, this time the spark sharper because of the leather.

"Ow! What was that for?" Rubbing the spot he'd swatted, I glance up to see Gunnar's serious expression—one bordering on anger. My pulse races and heart sinks at his obvious disappointment. "What?"

With a heavy sigh, he spins me around and speaks with gravity. "Dove, what I am wearing is part of who I am and what I do. As my wife, you join me in this. You won't always accompany me when the Gods send me on tasks, but there will be times you need to be present. This," he points at my attire, "is a part of you as well. This morning we go to wed for the Gods. This ceremony is essential and your clothing is as important as a traditional wedding dress. More so. It is the first act of bringing you into the life of Halvor." He gentles his expression and tone, running fingers down my cheek as swaths of remorse pulse through me. "Do you understand now?"

With a hard gulp, I shudder and blink away tears of embarrassment. "I see. I am so sorry, Gunnar. I didn't know."

He kisses me softly on the lips, eyes glittering with understanding and forgiveness, despite my faux pas. "Of course you didn't. But, we need to go. Put this on as well. It is cold outside." Gunnar holds up a cloth cape-like garment and I slide my arms through the wide sleeves that bell out at my wrists. Leather laces lash across my breasts to hold it together.

The back of Gunnar's hand slides down one side of my face, coming to rest at the base of my throat. "You're perfect and beautiful."

"You're wearing your antler necklace."

As we stand front of his chair, I study Gunnar's appearance. He's dressed similar to me, except his big, beautiful chest is bare. Only the necklace rests on it. The leather pants dip low, allowing my mind to wander to where that perfect "v" leads. With his long blond hair flowing over his shoulders, I gulp at the image I'm conjuring. It isn't hard to fantasize that my new husband could rival paintings and illustrations of strapping Vikings and Norse Gods bracing for battle, specially hewn swords filling each hand. Like a historical romance novel come to life right in front of me.

My blood races, and I ache for his touch. Momentarily closing my eyes, I can practically feel his hands on my breasts, his mouth and tongue between my thighs.

Good going.

"Yes, I am. Are you all right, dove? You're breathing rather heavily."

"Uh, yeah. I'm good." After clearing my throat, I shove the arousing thoughts from my mind and focus on whatever will happen next. "How long will it take to get wherever we're going?"

Gunnar chuckles. "Not long at all. Come sit with me for a moment." He lowers his large frame into the wood chair and draws me into his lap—a place I'm finding I like very much. "Much of what I do next is silent to you, so I will explain it first."

I'm puzzled. Shouldn't we be getting in the car if he's in such a hurry to get...wherever we're going? "Okay. Why will it be silent?"

"I have to talk to the Gods. They will direct us to the right place and provide the specific conditions we will need to complete our first task together."

A shiver runs down my spine. I don't know what to expect this morning, but Gunnar makes it sound mystical and intimidating all at once. Hopefully I don't do anything else to ruin whatever this first task is.

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