Chapter 31

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After finishing the midday meal Lars prepared, and having kept the conversation light, the tone changes as discussion returns to planning a wedding as quickly as possible. Everyone weighs in with ideas ranging from practical to far-fetched, though they each seem to have a flaw in the logistics.

"I don't see how this can happen by tomorrow. Unless we go to Las Vegas. Because you can get married just about any time of day or night there." Everyone stares at me like I just divulged one of the secrets of the world. "What?"

For the third time, Gunnar extracts his phone and speaks rapidly to whomever he called. Then he grins proudly.

"You, my dear, are a genius." He pops a quick kiss onto my lips. To everyone else, he says, "Be ready in a few hours."

"What? We can't go to Vegas just like that." I snap my fingers.

"Dove, I promise you, this will be perfect. We need to go home and prepare. Karla, will you take care of the...other things?"

"Of course, it's my job."

Back at Gunnar's house, he seats me at the dining table with a lap top, and scrolls around until he finds a website he likes.

"Select any dress from here. And a bridesmaid's dress. When you find them, put them in the cart and click purchase. I have a few things to do."

"I can't pick a dress off a website and be ready for tomorrow."

He plants a kiss on the top of my head. "Yes, you can. Trust me." Then, Gunnar disappears into the bedroom.

I scroll through pages of digital fluff while muttering. "Trust me. Trust me. He's driving me crazy."

"I'm glad I drive you crazy—especially in bed," he shouts from the bedroom.


For the next hour, I look at dress after dress, my eyes swimming in visions of white tulle, lace and silk. "Whoa. That's the one. Oh my God. It's perfect." I simply stare at it, as if it has appeared by magic. The way things work around here, it probably did.

"Good. Buy it." Once again Gunner calls from somewhere deep in the room.

I aim a puzzled look down the hall and shake my head. "How does he do that?" After placing it in the cart, I click to the bridesmaid dress tab. Unbelievably, the very first dress is exactly right. Although I'm not sure who'll be wearing it, it's a pretty good guess it will be Mandie. Into the cart it goes, as well.

Gunnar appears at the end of the hall, his hair carefully slicked back into a neater bun than usual, blue eyes glowing with happiness, wearing a perfectly cut, flawless tuxedo. My mouth gapes. I'm certain he's the most gorgeous thing on the planet. But, what is he doing in a tux already? Not that I mind...because, hello sexy man.

"Ready? Let's go."

I glance down at my ripped jeans, ankle boots, and baggy knit sweater, then touch my hair, which I'd haphazardly braided while scanning the dress site.


With long strides that showcase the insanely muscular thighs straining against the fabric of his pants, Gunnar takes my hand and leads me into the bedroom to the spot next to the portal.

"When we return we will be legally married."

"Yeah, but..."

Unexpectedly, he scoops me into his arms, leaving me no choice but to throw mine around his neck, where he wears his antler necklace.

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