Chapter 21

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The rest of the day is spent being examined and tested, poked and prodded, answering the same questions over and over, and napping in between. On top of it all, Lars has been running between me and Gunnar all day and the poor man is obviously exhausted and stressed out, which makes me feel unjustifiably guilty. I wonder how long I'll be here and when Gunnar's condition will improve. Finally, late in the afternoon, the doctor stops in.

"Miss Traeger? I'm Dr. Solberg. I have good news for you."

I sit up as quickly as my injuries allow, causing me to wince with pain. "Is Gunnar awake? How is he? Can I see him, please?"

The doctor shakes his head. "No, Mr. Halvorsen remains in a coma. I expect he will stay that way for several days. At least until some of the swelling in his brain decreases. But yes, you can see him later. Perhaps in the morning. Which brings me back to you." The man never cracks a smile, and is all business as he checks my vital signs with the uninjured wrist while he talks. "You are doing extremely well—better than I would have expected given the injuries and accident. You may be able to go home by midday tomorrow."

Home? Home where? Home, as in Gunnar's home? My apartment in Las Vegas? Or somewhere else? With Lars or Karla? Where is Karla anyway? Wouldn't she have come?

"Home...?" I'm afraid to ask. Afraid for the answer. Logically, home should be Las Vegas. I don't want to go back there. At least not until Gunnar and I have more time together, and I know he's going to be all right.

Lars enters the room at that moment and speaks up. "Cassie, I will take you back to Gunnar's house when you are discharged. You're welcome to stay with me, but I thought you'd be more comfortable in familiar surroundings. Karla left yesterday morning for Oslo to see her grandchildren. She will be back in a day or two to see after you. It is your choice, though. Wherever you will be most comfortable. Think about it. You can decide tomorrow."

Tomorrow comes quickly. Probably because the nurses gave me a pill to help me sleep. Which I did. Like the dead.

A timid knock sounds on the door of my hospital room.

"Come in." My voice has a dry, raspy, sleepy sound to it.

A tall, handsome man in a well-tailored suit enters. "Hello, Cassie. Do you remember me?" He approaches the bed and extends a hand. "Erik Olsen. We met at dinner?"

"Oh, yes. How are you?" Erik Olsen is not a man any woman could soon forget. He's slick city boy to Gunnar's rugged outdoorsman. Opposite sides of a coin minted to commemorate breath-taking hunkiness. Flip the coin, either side is a winner. Though I'm partial to the outdoorsman side.

"I'd be much better if my good friend and his woman weren't in the hospital." He smiles kindly. "I heard what happened. You both are very lucky to be alive from the sound of it."

I grimace, recalling what happened. "Gunnar is not doing so well. I'm worried about him and they haven't let me see him yet." Then, I remember they're sending me home today—without Gunnar. Not sure how I feel about that.

"Actually, this morning's report is good. I saw Lars in the corridor a little while ago. The swelling in Gunnar's brain has gone down significantly. His vitals are improving."

"You saw Lars? He hasn't been in to see me this morning."

"He has. You were sleeping soundly and he didn't want to wake you." Erik pauses and shifts uncomfortably on his feet. "Cassie, I hope you don't mind. Lars is exhausted. I sent him home and promised I'd take care of you this afternoon. His home is close to the hospital, but I wouldn't trust him to drive you back to Gunnar's house in his condition. The man hasn't slept in nearly forty-eight hours at this point."

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