Chapter 28

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I'd known it was coming, but his proposal surprised me nonetheless.

"Cassie, please marry me." Gunnar repeats as I blink down at him. A sliver of uncertainty flashes in his gorgeous blue eyes. Say something.

"Yes."I can barely speak.

Relieved, Gunnar squeezes his eyes shut, and shoves a hand in his jacket as he stands.

"I would like you to wear my ring." He pops open a black leather box that holds a shimmering diamond on a wide platinum setting. It is edged by a row of inlaid baguettes on either side. Raising my trembling hand, he glances at me for approval. Once again, I find myself speechless.

"Dove," he chuckles. "I'm asking your permission to place my ring on your finger."

Overwhelmed by the whole event, tears trickle down my face and words are stuck like glue in my throat. Nodding is all I can manage.

"I'll take that as a yes." He slides the ring onto my finger, then brushes his lips against my hand. Coming to my senses, I throw my arms around Gunnar's neck, plastering kisses on his face as he hauls me into his arms, tucking my legs around his waist. Above us, an eagle swoops past, cawing his approval into the wind, causing us both to laugh.

A few moments later, he says, "That went well, don't you think?"

"Oh, Gunnar, you take my breath away. I'll marry you any day you are ready."

His eyebrows waggle mischievously. "I like that. What are you doing tomorrow?"

A playful slap lands on his shoulder.

"I wasn't kidding, sweetness. It can be arranged. I'd like nothing more."

"Can I revel in this moment before deciding?"

"Of course."

After another quick kiss, Gunnar turns his head toward the sky, still holding me tight against his chest, and calls out loudly in Norwegian. To me, it sounds like a prayer or a chant. The lilt of voice as he recites these magical words is beautiful.

"What did you say?"

"This is what I said." He sits on a deck seat, securing me in his lap before continuing, tucking my windblown hair behind my ear. "I said, 'Gods—I am thankful you have brought this woman into my life. She is my destiny and you have chosen well for me. I will cherish her until my dying day and into the next realm. Together we will have an unbreakable bond that will be nurtured and respected. I love her with everything in my heart and soul and that will only become greater with time. I thank you for this gift.' "

"Wow. That was more than lovely. I probably should learn to speak Norwegian."

Gunnar lets out a hearty laugh. "Of course. It won't be so difficult. I'm a great teacher." Quieting, he his tone becomes serious. "Cassie, it is important I thank the Gods for you. I must never forget why you were brought to me, why you were chosen. You will learn a lot about my world—not just the physical land of Norway, but the higher existence I live in. You will become a part of it. You will walk beside me in everything. I hope you understand."

"I do." At least I think I do. A little voice tells me what I've seen and experienced so far is a mere scratch of what's to come.

"I like hearing those words from you."

Soon, the boat is sputtering back to the dock. A strange but comforting warmth spreads through me. Happiness mixed with something else I can't quite put my finger on. Whatever it is, it feels amazing. Once again it's as though I've swallowed liquid sunshine. It's the best explanation I can manage.

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