Chapter 26

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Cassie white-knuckles the edge of the bar looking as though she's seeing a ghost. Perhaps that's what I've become to her. Instinctively, my hand shoots out to steady her by the waist. Eyes wide in disbelief, her next words are barely a whisper. "You came back." Her whole body trembles against mine.

Gods I missed her more than I realized. Gazing into her eyes, I speak quietly around the lump in my throat. "Know this. I will always come back to you, Cassie. I'm sorry it took so long this time."

Her mouth hangs open, not a sound escaping, and stares at me as if I'm an illusion. Even through her shock, though, it's evident. She is glad to see me. Relieved to see me. My heart soars.

"Sweetness, are you all right?" Standing, I steer her toward the seat, ignoring the chunks of broken glass crunching under foot. Cassie has a vice grip on my forearms.

"You came back," she repeats. "Didn't you? You are here, right?"

I chuckle. "I am indeed here, my love. Trey, I think my woman could use a glass of water, please."

"Your woman?" Trey gapes at the scene, as do Mandie, Zach and Lindsay from the end of the bar.

"My woman. We got separated. Now we're back together. Water? Please?" I speak as if it clears up everything.

"What happened?" Cassie asks softly. Trey sets the water in front of her. I pick it up and hold it to her lips.

"Drink." She sips, unable to break eye contact. When she places the glass on the bar, I spin her so I can sit in the seat next to her.

She looks amazing. Thinner, definitely shocked. But beautiful as ever. I stroke her hair and she lays a hand on my face.

"I missed you so much, Cassie. I couldn't come for you right away. After I came out of the coma I was not well enough to travel. The very day you went missing, I woke up and forced my father and Erik to bring me home to you."

"I...I don't know what happened. How it happened. I don't know." She blinks rapidly. "You are here. You came for me?"

Smiling, I kiss her soft lips. "I did. I tried to tell you I would come. Did you..." I glance at the people watching at us. "...get my messages?"

Cassie appears perplexed. "You mean, like texts or emails?"

"No, Cassie. Think."

Under her breath, she says, "The dreams. You sent them?"

"Of course." I must be alone with her. We have a lot to say to each other, most of which can't be said in present company. Standing, I address Trey. "Cassie's had quite a shock tonight. Perhaps, you could do without her for the rest of her shift?" It's a question, but I'm not asking.

Lindsay steps between us, hands on her hips, glaring at a man she's never seen or heard of before. "Cassie, I don't know what's going on here, but you don't have to go anywhere with anyone you don't want to."

Cassie pins her gaze on the woman. "Lindsay, you and Trey have been great. But," she smiles. "Gunnar came back for me. Just like he promised. I have to go with him. It's been too long." The knots formed inside from weeks of grief begin to unravel.

Cassie wraps her arms around my neck. As soon as she touches me, my lips are on hers, this time with a force. I want to will everyone else away, to empty out the entire bar and casino. Most of all I never want to let go of her again.

"I love you, Cassie. Gods, it is so good to have you back in my arms."

A wetness hits my cheek and I pull back, using my thumbs to wipe her tears away.

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