Chapter 20

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"Where are we going that's such a big secret?"

"Ah. I have something spectacular to show you, of course."

"That sounds mighty impressive. As well as a bit mysterious."

Gunnar grins and tugs playfully on my ponytail as he holds open the passenger door. "It's a surprise. You will like it." Before he shuts the door, he sneaks in a quick kiss along the side of my mouth.

The ride takes us past rivers, lakes, green mountains—about every type of landscape I could imagine. All of it is breathtaking. Because of our late start, it's midday before we reach our destination. Soon we're walking along a pathway. And then, it comes into view, stopping me in my tracks.

Oh, Gunnar! It's wonderful. Magnificent. What is it called?"

"This is Steinsdalsfossen Waterfall. One of the most famous spots in Norway."

It's easy to see why. Roaring water cascades down a mountainside, spraying a mist over the surrounding green, grassy hillside. We pause partway along the path and view the landscape. The waterfall is an impressive 150-foot flow, but in the distance it frames a small village in the valley below.

"I love it. The view here—in every direction—it's like a postcard or something." I gaze up at a proud-looking Gunnar. "Everything you've shown me in this country has been amazing. Why is this so famous?"

"Well, aside from being a beautiful natural sight, there is a little history that goes along with it. It is one of our top tourist destinations. So famous that Kaiser Wilhelm II came here nearly every summer because he loved it. It's always been one of my favorite places, as well. It's peaceful, yet strong."

"I can see why."

"Come. Let's take the path further. It winds up over there behind the fall. That's the best part." He snatches my hand and leads me along the path. It's cool and a bit misty standing behind the flow of water, not to mention loud. I'm transfixed by the thundering veil of water. Behind me, Gunnar wastes no time wrapping his arms around me, drawing me against his chest as if he's done so a thousand times. And, it does feel...right.

He sets his mouth next to my ear so I can hear him. "At night they shine purple and blue lights on the waterfall. It is very beautiful. I thought we'd go down to the village and browse in the shops, then have dinner. If you aren't too tired, perhaps we can stay late enough to return after sundown."

I can't help but smile at the man I'm quickly developing strong feelings for. "That would be nice."

As we head back down the path, Gunnar comes to a sudden halt.


Not giving me an answer, he swoops down and tosses me onto him piggy-back style, making me bounce as he takes off at a rapid pace. Holding onto his shoulders for dear life, I giggle like a girl, feeling free and happy and loving everything about the Gunnar I'm discovering.

As he bounds down the path, his hands gripping my legs, the thought has my brain spinning.

Don't tell me he did it. Did this man actually steal my heart when I wasn't looking? No. I'm just being sucked in by his exuberance and passion. Not to mention the sex. Holy hell, the sex. That's all it is, right? Uh, or is that what love is like? Oh, no... Before I can test drive these unexpected emotions any further, we're back at the car.

The rest of the day is spent nosing around in shops, walking through the quaint town and finally settling in for a hearty, yet simple, meal at a small tavern. The restaurant is packed with tourists. It's intriguing to listen to everyone conversing in a language I don't understand. There's a captivating lilt to it, and it makes me wonder if I'll ever be able to learn it. The fact that this thought has crossed my mind slays me. It's the second time this afternoon that I've imagined what my life would be like if I did stay with Gunnar. And, I'm not scared. Shouldn't I be?

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