Chapter 23

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"If anything happened to her, Erik, Gunnar will put me out of my misery permanently."

"Lars, I'm sure she's fine. Perhaps the phone lost its charge, or she misplaced it. There will be a simple explanation. We both spoke to her last night and she was fine. Thankfully, they were able to get us past the flood."

Erik and I are soaked through, having walked from the washed out section of road to Gunnar's house—nearly a mile. The rain stopped long enough for the crews to build a makeshift walkway allowing us to get to the other side.

Inserting the key in the lock we enter the still house.

"Cassie? Cassie, it's Lars and Erik. Where are you?"

When no answer comes forth, we search every room.

Cassie is not here.

I sink helplessly onto the sofa, my head falling back, and stare up at the ceiling. My gut tells me we aren't going to find her. "Where could she be? She must have left the house and wandered off. Maybe she is lost. What should we do, Erik?"

Erik stares out the window. "I don't know. I suppose we should contact the authorities. Perhaps they can have someone search the area."

"Gods. How could this happen? I wonder if she walked to Karla's house. Karla stayed in Oslo because of the weather, but Cassie wouldn't have known."

"That's a good idea. Why don't you stay here in case she returns. I'll go down the road and check. If there's no sign of her by the time I return, we'll make a call."

I nod, concern eating a hole in my stomach. "That sounds reasonable."

While Erik is out, I search the house again, hoping to find some clue—any clue—as to her whereabouts. Nothing seems significant. The only thing which brings a smile to my face is seeing the state of Gunnar's bed. Clearly Cassie had slept in it. I walk the perimeter of the house outside. Twice. If there is any sign of foul play, I want to note it before the rains start again and washes away the evidence.

I've just poured a fresh cup of coffee when I hear Erik stomping the mud off his shoes in the little entryway. My eyes are trained on the door as Erik enters alone.


Erik shakes his head and accepts a cup of coffee. "No. Not a thing." He sips and studies me. I know what he's going to say. "We have to call."

As if on cue, my phone rings. I'm quick to answer it. The conversation is brief.

"Gunnar is awake. He's asking for Cassie."

"Gods. How are we going to tell him we lost her?" Erik pushes a hand through what had been perfectly styled hair, mussing it. We both know Gunnar will be furious. Rightly so.

"Very carefully. Gunnar keeps his temper in check most of the time. This won't be one of those times." I'm certain his anger will peel the paint off the hospital room walls.


"What do you mean Cassie's disappeared? Where the hell is she?" My voice booms loudly in the sparse hospital room. Pappa and Erik flinch. I'm enraged, and leap out of bed, tugging on the clean clothes Erik and Papa brought.

"Gunnar, you can't get out of bed." If Pappa thinks I'm going to lay back and do nothing, he's dead wrong. I'd have to be half-dead to stay put.

"Hells I can't. Take me home. Now." My face burns with fury. They lost Cassie. How on earth could she have just vanished?

"Gunnar. You had surgery. You still have mild swelling on your brain. Your shoulder is wrapped. The doctors don't want you moving around like this. You need to stay put for a few more days."

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