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"Nick?What are u doing here?"Tony asked.

"To come tell you that there's danger coming this way.Or well i guess your way."Nick Fury said.

Peter came out the room and hid behind a pole.

"Hey Peter."Nick Fury said.

"H-hi."Peter said coming out the pole thinking how did Nick see him.

"Kid i told you to stay inside."Tony said.

"Sorry Mr.Stark."Peter said.

"Well Nick says there's danger coming this way...or our way."Thor said.

Peter ran to Tony and stayed close to him.

"Come on"Nick fury said.Everyone looked confused at what he was saying.

"In the car!"Nick Fury said.Peter got excited and ran to the car.

"Kid!"Tony said.

"Sorry Mr.Stark."Peter said as he walked back from the car.

"Why?"Tony asked.

"There's enough space and Happy is here and you should get in if u don't want to die."Nick Fury said.

"I don't wanna go Mr.Stark,please."Peter said.

"I know you don't.So get in the car."Tony said.

"But didn't he say he didn't want to go?"Rocket said.

"He means he doesn't want to die."Tony said.

"Oh"Rocket said.

Peter had a big smile on his face and hopped in the car.

"Happy!"Peter said.

"Hey..kid."Happy said.Peter just smiled.Then everyone got in the car.

"Whoa,this is so cool!Its so big!It doesn't look very big on the outside.But this can fit so many people!"Peter said.

"Umm,We've been over this.There's usually not this much talking."Sam said.(Sam Wilson/Falcon...just saying bc to me Sam by itself sounds weird)

"Right sorry."Peter said.

"So where are we going."Peter asked.

"To a safe place,far away from the Stark Tower"Nick Fury said.

-2 Hours later-

Rocket was sleeping and so was Quill.Everyone else just looked exhausted especially Peter.

"Are we there yet"Peter asked exhaustedly.

"Yes"Nick Fury said.

"Yay"Peter said quietly.

"Alright come in."Nicky Fury said.

"WAKE UP!!"Thor screamed to Rocket and Quill.

"Ahhh!"Quill screamed.

Everyone went out of the car and into a mysterious place.

"Whoa! What is this place?!"Peter asked.

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