8.New Avenger or New Sidekick?

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"Well if-what her name?"Nat asked

"Y/N" Steve said.

"Hi Mr.Stark,hi Y/N,Im Peter,i know ur not Tony's daughter(or son but ima say daughter)but ur Steve's daughter."Peter said quickly.

"What are u trying to say?"Tony asked.

"Does that mean...THAT I HAVE A SISTER(Or brother but im saying sister)?!?!?!?!"Peter said sounding like it was a question but its not.

"Peter...Y/N is Steve's daughter,not mine."Tony said.

"I thought u guys were married."Nat said.

"What the f natasha!"Tony said.

"No,but Peter,if u want Y/N to be ur sister,u can still act like she is."Tony said.

"Sure!"Peter said.

"what do u say Y/N?Wanna have a brother?"Steve asked.

"Yea!Peter seems cool.Im so happy to have a big brother!"Y/N said.

"Ok ok wait.U never got to say why she cant stay at the Stark Tower."Steve said.

"Oh right,she cant stay bc when we leave,she cant some with us.(idk what happend to the font just deal with it)"Nat said.

"Why not?"Steve asked.

"It's too dangerous for her and she cant be an avenger bc she's under aged."Nat said.

"Who said kids cant be avengers?"Steve,Tony,and Peter said at the same time.

"Yea!I mean look at her!She's so cute!"Rocket said.


"What racoon?Do u mean rabbit?"Thor said.

Rocket rolled his eyes and walked away.Peter just had a exciting look on his face and so did Y/N.

A/N:Hi,i have to go bc its raining cats and dogs rn,so byeeee.

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