What kind of Crossover is this- Part 2

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"I can't believe Lashina brainwashed them" Natasha groaned.

"Well... that's what villains do" Tony arched his brows.

"Shut up Tony your not making this any better" Rhodey sighed.

"Well, Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Kid Flash, Green Arrow, and Killer Frost are all brainwashed, how are we supposed to stop THEM and LASHINA" Bruce asked.

"I can help" Someone's voice spoke. The Avengers all looked behind them and saw someone leaning against the doorway.

"Who are you?" Steve asked.

"I am.... the flash" The flash replied.

"Oh! Um... I think I've heard of you before" Tony smiled.

"Barry Allen" Barry nodded.

"Don't forget me" Someone else's voice spoke walking to Barry.

"Who are you?" Peter P. asked.

"Vibe- but you can call me Cisco.. Ramon" Cisco smiled.

"I'm sorry, how did you get in here?" Steve asked.

"Not important" Barry chuckled, his laugh tracing off into an awkward sigh.

"What are you doing here" Thor asked getting up, grabbing his hammer.

"WE COME IN PEACE- please don't kill me" Cisco pleaded.

"We're here to help" Barry stated.

"To- to help? And why would you help us?" Tony questioned getting up, walking towards them.

"Because Shina brainwashed our friends, and we came to you guys because she kidnapped your daughter Steve" Cisco replied.

"Shina? D- do you mean LAshina" Clint questioned.

"Shina is just short for Lashina" Natasha commented. Clint slowly nodded.

"So how are you people gonna help huh?" Tony asked.

"Well- we can track her. Stop her from killing your daughter-" Cisco hesitated.

"Wha- SHE'S GONNA KILL Y/N?!" Steve shouted.

"Uh- pretend I didn't say that" Cisco muttered, a high pitched voice at the end.

"What he means to say, is that we can stop Lashina before she kills the whole city, and brainwashing metas" Barry smiled.

".. metas?" Sam questioned.

"Oh- it's just what we call humans with superpowers, meta-humans" Barry answered. "Anyway, we know where Lashina is"

"Where?" Steve asked.

"Star city" Cisco replied.

"And where is that" Thor asked.

"We'll take you" Barry smirked.

"Then let's go" Natasha smiled as everyone got up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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