7.The Answer

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"well..ever since u told me about the avengers.."Y/N hesitated.

"Yea?"Steve and Tony said moving their hands to indicate for Y/N to move on.

"well,ever since u told me..i-i-when u told me how they fight ppl and stuff,i just got scared bc i thought that if they saw me they would fight me bc im not one of them."Y/N shivered.

"oh!Honey,no.Tony has a kid of his own!"Steve said.

"yea,i do.Also we dont fight kids,u know we save them.We only fight bad guys and ur not a bad guy."Tony said.

"oh."Y/N said.

"So..now that ur not scared anymore,can the avengers know that ur my child?"Steve asked.

"well...okay."Y/N said.

back at the stark tower

"its good to be back here."Rocket said.

"wait.Where's Tony and Steve?"Nat shouted.

Everyone looked around but couldn't find them.

"Their probably on their honeymoon."Thor said.

"They got married?"Nat asked.

"Why wouldn't they?"Thor said.

Little did they know that Tony,Steve,and Y/N were right behind them.

Tony made a loud noise and all the avengers looked back.

"oh um..how long have u been there?"Thor asked agitated.

"It doesnt matter."Tony said.

"Who's that lil cutie?"Nat said pointing at Y/N.

"She's my daughter and she wants to be an avenger or at least stay at the stark tower instead of at home and hang out with u guys."Steve explained.

"We cant have a kid on the team."Rocket said.

"well then let her stay at the stark tower."Tony said.

"We cant."Nat said.

"What?Why?"Tony and Steve said.

Steve's secret Daughter Where stories live. Discover now