10.Happy Birthday!

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1 week later

It was March 17 and it was Y/N birthday.

"Okay,we need to come up with smt Y/N loves."Steve said.

The avengers knew about Y/N birthday so they all were planning on surprising Y/N at the stark tower.

"I told Y/N to stay home today bc we're doing smt very dangerous and Y/N hasnt had training yet.I'll be home early and then i'll come back."Steve said.

"Thats great but we still have to think of smt for Y/N."Tony said.

"Guys i have to go in 1 more hour."Steve said.

"Oh thats great,we have 1 hour left to think of smt and decorate and find decorations."Nat said sarcastically.

It was silent in the room bc everyone was thinking about what to do.Until Steve broke the silence.

"I got it."Steve shouted.

"What is it?"Tony asked.

"Well,Y/N really likes the avengers,aka us,so what if we get an avenger ice cream cake.Then we can get her an avenger notepad bc she's always asking for one.And then we can decora-"Steve got cut off.

"We cant just have everything be the avengers.Y/N needs training and she already met the avengers."Tony said.

"Are u saying that her prize should be training?"Steve asked.

"Nah im saying she should get pooped on."Tony said sarcastically.

Steve rolled his eyes.1 hour has passed.

"I need to get back to Y/N"Steve said.

"Ok."Tony and Nat said.

Back at Steve's house

"Hi Y/N!"Steve shouted walking through the door then slamming it.

"Daddy!"Y/N yelled running and hugging Steve.Steve laughed.

"Can we go to the stark tower now?"Y/N asked.

"Hold on."Steve said.

Steve didnt even know if the party was ready yet.He went up to his room to call Tony.

"Come on,pick up the fugging phone!"Steve said to himself.Tony then picked up.

"Finally!Is the party ready?Do u have the cake?Are the decorations ready?Do u have the training set up?Is the costume finished and displayed?"Steve said all in one breath.

"Yes its all set up,the lights are off,where's Y/N?"Tony replied.

"Were on our way,bye."Steve said,hanging up before Tony could say anything else.

Steve ran downstairs to tell Y/N to go to the stark tower.They got in the car and drove.

At the stark tower

"Okay,wait out here.Im gonna go in and when i walk through the door u count to 3 and then walk in,okay?"Steve said in one breath.

"Ok."Y/N said.

Steve walked through the door.Y/N counted to three and walked in.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"The avengers shot up and shouted.The lights turned on.

Y/N gasped and ran to her dad.

"Thank u."Y/N said hugging tightly to her dad.Steve kissed her forehead.

"Happy birthday sweetie."Steve said quietly.

"NOW LETS PARTY!!!"Tony shouted so loud Peter almost lost his hearing.

"Happy birthday sister."Peter said.

"Thank u."Y/N said hugging Peter and giggling.

"She's not ur sister!"Tony said.

"Well we can pretend she is."Peter said.

"Whatever."Tony asked.

Everybody got cake and Y/N got her training.

"This was a great birthday but theres one thing i want to know."Y/N said.

"Yes?"Steve asked.

"Who is my mother?"Y/N asked.

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