9.Official Avenger

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Back at the stark tower

"So Y/N is now an avenger?"Nat asked.

"Yea."Steve said.

"Ur so pretty."Nat said to Y/N.Steve felt proud of himself and of Y/N for what Nat said.

"Well of course she's pretty.She's my daughter,what do u think she would be,ugly?"Steve said.

"Well ur daughters pretty.But not so sure about you."Nat said laughing.Y/N joined in and laughed too.

"Stop!"Steve said babyish.(Idc if thats not a word)

Even though Steve was embarrassed,he loves his daughter.So,Steve was laughing too.

"Um hello?"Rocket shouted.

"What about us?"Rocket asked.

"I think were done with u guys.We have a new avenger to take care of."Nat said.

"Im an avenger?!"Y/N asked.

"Of course sweetie."Steve said.

At Steve's house

Tony and Peter came to Steve's house.

"So how do u feel about being an avenger?"Steve asked.

"It feels nice.I think that im more comfortable around the avengers now that im an avenger."Y/N said.

"I have a new younger sister!"Peter said.

"We've been over this."Tony said pointing to Peter.Peter said nothing.

It was currently 12:00 am which is Y/N bedtime.

"Go to bed sweetie."Steve said.

"Okay."Y/N replied running upstairs to her room.

"Welp,what do we do now?"Peter asked.

"Come on.Back to the stark tower."Tony said leaving the door.

"Okay."Peter said following along.

"Bye Steve."Tony said shutting the door.

"Bye."Steve said back.

Next day at the stark tower

Steve and Y/N walked though the main room in the stark tower.

"Hello"Steve said.

"Y/N is gonna be here everyday now,so get used to it."Steve said.

"Well,even though its still 2020,this is gonna be a new year."Nat said to herself.

Sorry i havent updated in a long time.I'll make part 10 later.Btw part 10 will be the end of chapter 1.Also,sorry this was short.I'll make part 10 longer.

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