What kind of Crossover is this: Part 1

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Steve ran after Lashina but she was gone.

"SHIT" He yelled. Steve ran to the Stark Tower.

At the Stark Tower

"I- I can't believe Steve would just run off like that" Tony grumbled. He was pacing back and forth across the room, the rest of the Avengers sitting down.

"He had a reason" Bruce muttered.

"I'm sorry- who's side are you on here? Civil war is over" Tony groaned.

Just then, Steve ran into the building, up to the room the Avengers were in.

"Oh my god! Steve" Everyone exclaimed.

"Damn you had me so worried what the fuck is that, you don't just run off like that" Rhodey prodded at Steve.

"Stop treating me like a kid, I'm a grown adult. Speaking of kid, Y/N was taken" Steve rushed through his words.

"WHAT" Everyone shouted.

"My sister" Peter cried.

"Hush Peter- By who" Tony asked.

"Some girl named Lashina" Steve replied.

"Shit" Natasha whispered.

"You know Lashina?" Tony asked.

"She's the one that ruined my life- Uh- come on we can track her down" Natasha mumbled getting up. Everyone ran down to the lab.

"How do we track her down" Bruce asked.

"Just trust me" Nat sighed. She did some things with the computer. "There"

"Wha- how did you-" Rhodey hesitated.

"Less talking, come on" Steve said running off. Everyone ran outside and took different ways to get to the swamp. Yes, she was at a swamp.

"Female fury" Natasha groaned when she got to the swamp, seeing Lashina. "Where are your friends"

"You don't need to know." Lashina smirked. Everyone then got here and got in a combat position right away.

"WHERE IS SHE" Steve asked.

"Ah, are you gonna arrest me? You gonna lock me up?" Lashina asked.

"You kidnapped. My daughter." Steve said through his teeth.

"Oh, sorry!" She laughed. "But she's also my daughter"

"No. She's. Not" Steve groaned before jumping on Lashina and staring beating her up with his shield.

"Steve- Steve- STEVE" Tony yelled trying to get him off. "Remember, this is not the plan"

Steve got off, Lashina got up.

"WHERE IS MY SISTER" Peter asked.

"Sister?" Lashina questioned. Then she starting laughing.

"Peter, your not making this any better, just let the adults do the talking" Tony whispered.

"If you don't wanna relinquish Y/N then we're gonna have to fight you. Don't. Get. In our. Way" Natasha mumbled.

"I knew this was gonna happen" Lashina rolled her eyes. "Get them"

"What?" Tony questioned. Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Kid flash, Green Arrow, and Killer Frost ran out.

"What the hell" Rhodey muttered. They charged at the Avengers and Lashina ran away.

"Canary?" Natasha groaned punching her. "What happened to you"

"Their brainwashed" Tony groaned, flying up.

"That son of a bitch" Steve mumbled, throwing Green Arrow back with his shield. Killer Frost tried to freeze Steve but he dodged it. "Don't even try. To freeze me"

"Lashina brainwashed them?!" Bruce asked before morphing into the Hulk. He roared and knocked back Killer Frost, and Black Canary. Kid Flash ran around them all and shot a lighting bolt at Tony.

"ALRIGHT WHO JUST SHOCKED MY SUIT" Tony yelled, blasting Kid Flash. So... they were fighting and the DC won, they ran away.

"FUCK" Steve shouted.

"Don't worry, we'll fix them" Natasha tried to comfort Steve. They went back to the Stark Tower to come up with some plans.

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