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Jimin obviously didn't have the heart to tell minty that in fact at 5.21am this morning, Jimin threw his croissant off his balcony and into the street below. And that's how Yoongi ended up in the flaky pastry mess he was currently in.

"What an asshole...." Jimin coughed.

"If I ever find the person who did it.... I'm going to make them suffer." Yoongi says through gritted teeth.


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Jimins face and body drains every single last drop of blood. Well looks like jimins gonna have to keep his mouth shut forever.

Scanning both their train cards and leaving the croissant crumbs behind, they both find a seat on the empty train cart.

Unable to speak a word, Jimin sits quietly gulping to himself.

"Merida your quiet this morning?... any reason?" Yoongi chuckles.

All sense of anger had gone out the window.

Talk about mood swings minty.

"Nope." Jimin quickly responds.

"Okayyyyy.... so what time do you normally finish work?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow.

"5.30/6 on a good day. How about you?" Jimin straightens up. 'Just act smooth Jimin'

Let's keeps this whole croissant situation between just us?.... okay? Great!

"Depends... being a Mechlin star chef has its long days. But I typically finish at 12.30pm then go back in at 5pm for the evening shift." Yoongi cutely pouts.

Which sends Jimins heart to do a little flip.

Jimin control yourself!

"A-ah. That sucks." Jimin nods.

"Yeah...." Yoongi nods back.

...... awkward.....

"Merida let's play 21 questions." Yoongi suddenly claps his hands causing Jimin to jump.

"Really?!" The Orange haired boy.... also now known as Merida whines.

"It will be fun!" Minty smirks.

"Better be quick, I need to get off soon." Jimin rolls his eyes.

"You have 18 minutes until you get off.... that's plenty of time." Yoongi tuts.

"You keep watch? Do you have a little obsession with me or something? Because not gonna lie.... that's pretty creepy minty." Jimin gives Yoongi a "am I in danger? Because this shit is getting weird" look.

"Shut up and let's play the game." Minty rolls his eyes.

But Jimin picks up on the little blush scattering yoongis cheeks.

Minty is whipped for Jimin already and it's only been 4 days.... poor guy.

"Okay I'll start. Are you single?" Yoongi smirks.

"*cough* straight to the point there Yoongi. And yes. I'm single. You?" Jimin chuckles.

"Indeed I am. What's your favourite song?" Yoongi taps his chin.

"At the moment....red wine by MØ, but changes often. Hmmmm What's your funniest moment?" Jimin nods in approval of his own question.

"I have many.... but my most favourite has to be when my friend kim namjoon and I were walking back from high school in the pouring rain. We found this bush that was extremely  bouncy, just like trampoline infact! Everyday without fail we would go jump on it before going home. *giggles* Anyway, one day in the rain he thought it would be fun to go dive bomb this bush. He made a run up on it and he was so excited to go flying up into the air. But it turned out to be the wrong bush.... when he jumped, he had fell straight through this practically none existent pubey bush and hit the floor like a sack of shit. *cries with laughter* You could see his face go "Oh shit that wasn't the right bush." I had to go rescue him, pick thorns out his ass and attempt to carry him home. Bare in mind namjoon was twice the size of me and as tall as a giant, so I stood no chance to try and pick him up bridal style. But yeah, that was the most funniest moment by far." Yoongi wipes away the tears streaming down his face with his black long sleeve jumper.

(Editors side note: this is based on a true story.)

Jimin couldn't help but laugh along with Yoongi. He could imagine it in his head and yoongis laugh fuelled to his laughter. The pair were in hysterics.

"I need to meet this Kim Namjoon one day and I need him to recreate it." Jimin chuckles.

"He's scarred, he's never trusted a bush since." Yoongi slaps his leg as he roars with laughter.

"My stomach hurts." Jimin giggles in pain.

"Aish I can't breathe." Yoongi tries to keep his composure.

He takes one look at Jimin, who looks constipated trying to keep his laughter in and that's it. The pair start back up again laughing like crazy people.

It's a giggly, tear and stitch filled mess.

First light~ yoonmin {completed)Where stories live. Discover now