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*flash back to 3 months ago*

Jimin kept getting migraines, it was unbearable some days. So booking a doctors appointment for some help, jimin never expected a few days after to get a urgent call from the hospital after his blood tests came back from the lab.

"Mr park, we would like you to get a brain scan regarding some abnormal results. We don't think there's anything to worry about, but we would like to be 100% sure." The middled aged doctor in a lab coat, sits across from Jimin behind his desk, nervously tapping his pen.

"Okay. Uh... should I be worried?" Jimin nervously plays with his fingers.

"No there's nothing to worry about." He gulps.

Jimin knew the doctor was hiding something, which made Jimin feel on edge.

He was rushed straight through to the scan. And Jimin already knew that what they were about to find. Was bad.

~1hr and 6 minutes later~

"Mr park, I don't know how to tell you this." The doctors hands were unsteady as he held the results in his hands.

It's crazy how 39 seconds can change someone's life forever.

Jimin had a tumour, an extremely big tumour. Which explains the migraine feelings hes been experiencing. But however, the pain he was feeling was the pressure of the tumour pressing against his brain.

"It's too big to perform surgery on, we could attempt, but there's a 2% chance of it being successful and survival. I'm so sorry Mr.park." The doctor spoke with sorrow.

"How long do I have left?" Jimins vision becomes blurry as his tear filled eyes are about to explode.

"The longest....3 months with chemo therapy." The doctor takes his glasses off.

"Okay, and without chemo therapy?" Jimin breathes out.

"2-3 weeks." The doctor chokes out as he too tears up.


Jimin had to get chemo therapy 6 times a week for 2 hours a day. He became frail, weak and his once tanned skin started to look dull.

But he hid it so well that you would have never of thought, that what he was going through was so brutal.

He still went to work, he still woke up at 4.50am every morning and each day he met minty to go to Victoria train station together.

He couldn't tell Yoongi, he didn't have the guts to tell him. Telling someone you had 3 months to live, it was a burden on Jimin himself, let alone his beloved minty too.

So Jimin resorted to keeping Yoongi happy and living the rest of his 3 months to the fullest.

And my god, Jimin had never felt so deeply in love with another person like he does with Yoongi.

And knowing that he had little time left broke his heart into a million pieces.

(4 days ago)

"I'd like to come off chemo therapy. I'm happy, I've never been this happy in all my life. So it's time to stop. I can feel my body deteriorating day by day and I can't take it anymore. I'd like to go now, I've lived to the fullest and I know it's time." Jimin smiled to the doctor.

"Are you sure?" The doctor had to hold back the emotions he was feeling. It's never easy watching a patient suffer, the doctor and nurses are human too. They hate the world and illnesses just as much we do.

And that leads us to now.

"Yoongi I have something to tell you. And it's going to break your heart and mine." Jimins stomach filled with dread and his eyes fill with tears.

The once smiling Yoongi, has gone numb and all emotions have left his body.

"O-Okay tell me." Yoongi breathes deeply.

As Jimin hurriedly tells Yoongi. Yoongi falls to the ground in tears.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Yoongi shouts as the warm salty tears flood down his pale cheeks.

"I didn't want to hurt you." Jimin cries.

"Well you have and are hurting me. I could have done something! I could have saved you! I could have saved you Jimin!"Yoongi screams.

"Nobody could save me Yoongi. There was nothing that you or the doctors could have done. It was too late." Jimin holds Yoongi in his arms.

" Jimin holds Yoongi in his arms

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