Chapter One

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After I rushed through the evening crowds of Asakusa, I set my eyes on the man I'd been searching for!


We both halted as I yelled his name.

I stood there shaking out of anger while piercing the back of his head with a cold, resentful glare. My grip tightened around the katana that was loosely held on my waist, sheathed. I was prepared to murder him for wiping out my family. "Muzan, be prepared to-"

Since his back was still facing me, I was unable to realise he was holding a small girl in his arms until he had shifted slightly to face my way.

Wait... Who is that girl to him?

"Dad, who is he?" She asked curiously. Dad? She couldn't possibly be saying this demon was her dad!

Having recoiled in shock, I returned my attention to Muzan's pale face... He looked more like a human than a demon so I wasn't even surprised he had managed to trick this little girl into believing he was a loving father.

You're tricks won't pass! Not on my watch, Muzan!

"W... Why do you have a child?" I growled.

"Hm? Whatever do you mean? It is normal to have children, isn't it? However, we have to go now... Please excuse us."

As he again turned his back on me to leave, I sunk my calloused fingertips into the hem of his jet black coat with a vice-grip. I refused to let go.

"Dear, sorry, did I take too long? I've run into a former friend!" A woman's voice... And she was talking to none other than... Muzan.

As I kept my hold on the back of his top, one of his hand slipped around his back to quietly grip my wrist with a force equal to my grasp on his shirt. His hand clasped so tight that his veins and sharp nails were showing. I flinched... This bastard... He was making sure his 'wife' and daughter wouldn't notice us!

While his grip around me tightened and nails dug into my skin, drawing blood, he spoke to his wife as if nothing was happening, "It's fine, dear. No need to worry."

Shoot. His hold was getting unbearably more painful by the moment! My lips shot open, letting out a pained yell, getting me some startled looks from pedestrians. Muzan's daughter took a curious look over his shoulder and his wife rushing around him to approach me, his grip vanished at the speed of light, and his arm returned to his side.

My wrist was in veritable agony... So much so, I had fallen to my knees to tend to my wounds, wrapping my fingers around the bleeding. I felt so powerless against him... He hadn't even used a a tiny amount of power, but he managed to do this much damage?

"Young boy!" The woman crouched in front of me to check my wrist, "Where did you get these merciless wounds? We need to get you to a medic! Dear, please help this child to our carriage!"

Even though I was still furious, I still felt a bit anxious when I looked up to see Muzan's reaction. The way his nonchalant eyes seeped cold rage made the hair all over my arms and legs stand up... Tsk...

"Alright, Dear, as you wish..." Muzan had a clear murderous intent in his tone as he handed their confused daughter over to his wife once she was standing again... I felt uncomfortable when he got on his knee in front of me and delicately held the back of my head, he smelled like a pricey cologne, while his other hand slipped underneath my legs to forcefully seize the back of my knees. I felt so unsafe with him... But before he could lift me up into his arms, he first leaned to my ear and spoke in an ominous tone, "Cause a commotion in front of my family one more time and I'll kill you... Your sister too~. Understand?"

My eyelids darted wide as his words slithered into my ears, seemingly wrapping a rope around my neck. My breathing felt restricted, so instead of even bothering to think of a response, I gasped slightly, scrabbling for some semblance of air in my lungs.

He had taken my silence as a yes before proceeding to stand up, carrying me along, facing his family, that sick sweet smile on his face returned... I resented it... One day I will kill you, Muzan Kibutsuji.

A roofless carriage, drawn by two fine horses pulled over and he climbed in to set me down, seating me on a small soft cushion beside him, while his wife and daughter sat across from us.

I was understandably uncomfortable... Could it be that Muzan was pretending to live as a normal human? But why?

"Child, what is your name?" The wife asked as she dug into her purse for something, retrieving and handing white stuff to her 'husband'. I was still wary if he even was her husband...

"T-Tanjirou..." I didn't have any vigor left in my system as a result of my blood lost and stress... The bumps and gentle rocking of the carriage, paired with the blood loos having left me exhausted, caused me to become drowsy... My head slowly lowered, and my body swayed slightly... Then I felt Muzan quietly wrapping a bandage around my wounds. It was baffling how pale he was compared to me, especially after I had lost so much blood... And his touch was so light, so gentle that it even made me doubt if he was the man that mercilessly murdered everyone I adore that night... Had he put a sleeping spell while puncturing me using his fingernails? Because my consciousness... Was slipping... Gonna black out soon...

Nezuko... I'll come back to you and avenge our family... Nezuko... Nezu...

(Editor's Note: I'm sorry if this you get a second ping about this chapter. I'm just here to edit at Author-chan's request.)

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