Chapter Five

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Crap... I turned into a panting mess when he finally removed his clutch around my throat... And when he licked me... It was disgusting. And as his tongue made contact with my skin, I could see glimpses of his unpleasant memories... I could also hear those cries of agony of everyone he had effortlessly taken the privilege to live in this world. Selfish... He's so selfish!

"So you can see some of my kept memories, hmm," He spoke followed by an amused purr... When he did removed his clutch around my neck, I had remained looking up the entire time due to the fear that he would... Hurt me more if my eyes were ever to connect with his again. "What do you think about them? Do you resent me more?"

I could feel one of his hands sensually wrapping around my waist and tugging that made me squirm until the front of my body was firmly pressed against his chest...

"It felt like I'm seeing nightmares that doesn't belong to me..." I replied because if I won't he would just get angry.

"My life... Has always been a nightmare. And I would make yours one too. Now..." His other free hand reached up to shove his gloved fingers inside my mouth just to prevent any sounds from escaping from me. And what scarred me most was when... I felt his canines drilling onto the side of my neck and it stung as he largely sipped my blood. Crap... It hurts! I moaned into his fingers and struggled free however he just shoved my body against the huge doors of his office behind us and pinned me from resisting using his own body that has always been way larger and powerful than mine... So I was left without a choice... But to accept this torment...

I really want to see Nezuko...

It felt like hours until he had finally stopped and although the way his set of fangs painfully pulls out of my skin that has swelled from what he did, I showed no emotions. My head remained raised as he leaned back to look at the wound he had opened and when my eyes tiredly glanced down to him slightly, his blood smudged lips smiled in pleasure. Then when his body did backed away to release mine, I slid down the wooden door that was bulky due to the intricate patterns woven onto it before finally flumping lifelessly on my butt as the blood on my neck continued to leak out...

Nezuko... Let's go home, Nezuko... With everyone else.

"Your torture will never be over, my little Tanjirou..."

I've blacked out not long after...

"Tanjirou? It's time for breakfast!" Were the next words I've had hear and a thin sunray seeping through the small gap between the thick red curtains that basked my shut eyelids had woken me up more...

Slowly sitting up, my neck hurts... And when I went to feel it, cotton taped over the wound brushed my fingers. Hmm... Even when I'm awake, it still fele like I'm inside a nightmare.

I have to plan my escape... And get stronger... But I know it's pointless to fight him with strength so I need to fight him using my head instead; with tac tics and games.

Surely he's the type who wouldn't turn down to play a game with me, in fact he would love the thrill of catching me... If... I could just expose him to the sunlight... Somehow... Maybe-

"Tanjirou?" The door pushed open, "My, I've heard from my husband that wounded yourself... I'm glad you're fine now. He was the one who tended you while you were asleep. Ah, the breakfast is ready. Let's go! We can't let the food waiting!"

"Ah, yes..."

After a few minutes, we were around the dining table as always and the house was dim... The lights were barely on... It gives me a false vibe.

"Mu- I mean, sir." I was glad I've corrected myself quickly! He spared me a glance while sipping from his red wine.

"What is it, Tanjirou?"

"I'd like to propose something... A game perhaps."

I knew I'm lucky when a glint of interest sparkled in those eyes of his...

"A game? I wanna play!" The little girl cheered.

"I... I mean... It's more of a work than a game, I'm sorry but... This is for adults..." That was a poor attempt of lying...

"Ohh..." She was sadden. I just remember Nezuko by looking at her... She used to pout too when I'm too busy to play...

"Don't worry, we'll go to your friends house this lunch anyways!" The wife cheered her daughter.

Right... So how will I expose him to the sun?

All of a sudden, I flinched in pain as if someone was stabbing me with knives... And when I tried to see which direction it seemed to be coming from, I was horrified... Since it was Muzan's impenetrable eyes... Coldly glaring at me while finishing his glass of wine.

He knows my plans... I know because that look in his face says so. Would I even succeed?

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