Chapter Three

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My head ached, you could even say it was throbbing... What happened? I barely remembered anything from just before I had blacked out. Somehow I managed to open my eyes only to find myself inside a seemingly lavish and comfortably warm chamber.

Once I had gained a bit more of a conscious state I realised just how much agony my wrists were in... I slowly pulled my arm out from under the covers to check... Those were some large stitches. Not poorly done, but thick enough that they looked like they were meant for fatal wounds. So encountering Muzan wasn't a dream after all. But, where am I exactly?

"You're finally awake!" A somewhat familiar tone called out, coming from a woman beside me. I looked over at her slowly, she was sat on a chair close to the bed I was in, as if she had been watching over me as I slept. "You're Tanjirou, right? How are you feeling?"

"Hmn... Who are you?" I had no idea why, but my head felt clouded and vacant. It was as if I was still dreaming.

"Oh, you must not remember due to your fatigue, but I'm your auntie! My husband said you were an orphaned nephew of his, so that's why you're going to live with us from now on. For as long as you want!" She tilted her head and smiled softly at me.

Wait... What is she talking about? Muzan and I aren't related, and I wouldn't ever wish for that to be the case.

"No no no! Muzan isn't the person you think he is-" For some mysterious reason, I suddenly felt as though I was being strangled, as I choked on my words and any attempt to form audible words were blocked up in my parched throat. The only noises that escaped were strained, muted squeaks. I tried to speak again but no use! Could this be Muzan's doing?

"Are you alright? Here, drink some water..." Her countenance appeared concerned and confused. Attempting to help, she handed me a glass full of water that was on the nightstand, but I had trouble swallowing due to the invisible vice-grip around my throat keeping its hold. It was a mystery how I could still breathe! I tried to swallow the liquid plenty of times, but to no avail. It felt as though I hadn't drank a single drop for a decade... But this thing around my neck made me give up trying. "Um, boy, my husband told me your story... How your family had been wiped out by a heartless creature... I'm sorry... Please, from now on, you have us."

That bastard... So close, yet so far! He was the one who did it! He was the heartless creature! Open your eyes, miss! Don't let him deceive you!

As I tried once more to protest, the grip around my neck prevented me.

"Um, is there something you'd like to tell me, Tanjirou?"

That's it! Paper! Is there paper somewhere so I can write what I need to tell her?! I sprung up sitting to search through the drawers in the oak nightstand. None.

Just then, his scent. I could faintly sense wafting in from somewhere nearby. It got stronger which meant...

Footsteps entering the open door... I felt the hairs on my arms bolt upright.

"Ah, you're awake, young one. My wife has told you everything I assume. From now on, you'll be staying here."

I hesitated to turn my head and look at him even though he was so close, standing beside his wife... Because I know what I would see in those traumatizing crimson eyes would only hunt me further...

Damn you, Muzan...

"You seem a bit pale, child... I suppose I brought your breakfast just in time then."

Wait, it's already morning? Was I knocked out the rest of the night? How could he...

"Some tea and cookies should give you sugar for energy. Here... We don't want our new resident to feel unwelcome in their new home." His voice was taunting me... He enjoyed playing stupid and pretending to be good just for his own benefit... He must have loved watching me suffer in his sinful fingertips... He's... really the cruelest of all... I finally raised my head to meet his eyes... They were showing merciless dominance and superiority over me while clearly enunciating that he can kill me at any moment if I dare act recklessly, for example: getting violent and trying to murder him this instant. He radiated a spine chilling aura that seeped into every follicles of my body, and it seemed to make my blood run cold.

I felt so... Powerless.

"Oh, I have to check if the bread is alright!" The wife cut through the tense air in the room. "I'll be right back, and dear, please clean up his stitches!" She then lifted her skirt a bit to boost her speed as she hurried out of the now cold chamber.

"Well then, let's see that wound." He spoke, sitting on a chair with pose befitting the gentleman he pretended to be and pulled it close to my bed. He then reached for my wrist but I stubbornly hid it underneath the covers. His eyes lazily dragged that sharp vision of his, only to rest it on my face once more. "Would you wish to have more stitches, my little demon slayer?" He mocked before chuckling afterwards, "Pathetic... I'm sorry I murdered your family, but someone like me has to devour others to live."

I couldn't believe the words pouring out of his mouth. "That's bullshit, Muzan! You can live without eating anything yet you... You just hated my family so much who did nothing except make the world safe from horrible creatures like you-"

Ack! My eyes didn't catch it but... He had tugged around my wrist out from under the duvet, tightly clenching to the point where red liquid started leaking through the bandages. Damn it!

"Tanjirou, I did it for survival... You are still a child so you wouldn't understand... However, what you are doing now for me is survival." I winced at him. What did that even mean? His other hand twitched and then morphed into a veiny claw before roughly seizing the sides of my mouth and digging his nails into my hollowing cheeks. Surely that drew blood! I choked in pain... He then forced our foreheads together and stabbed my cheeks further until I could feel his sharp fingertips poking my tongue, as if ordering me to open my eyes just so I could look directly into his... And when I did revealed mine, what penetrated back was enough to cause tears to stream down my face. "You're staying here with me as a toy because you worry about your sister's life. I'm the same, I killed those you dear to live because if I won't... The time would come that all of you would be the one to do it... This world is full of choices and consequences, it just happened yours was to be stuck with me and suffer under my own hands. Now... Obey or be burned alive along with your demon sist-"


I have no idea how, but like a reflexive twitch, I whacked him in the face, despite the danger I was already in. But, I can't let him say such things about Nezuko! He's... Crazy!

From what I'd done, his firm clasp around my wounds and jaw loosened while still looking at the way his head turned when I smacked him... He was really going to kill me, for sure! Without him moving a single muscle, the large glass windows loudly shattered as a harsh wind barged through and shoved every things inside the room aside, even flipping the bed I was in, though I managed to jump away to safety. The strong gust of wind didn't cease for a few seconds... And when it did, it mysteriously stopped instantly, as if God just flicked his fingers.

"What... Was that...?"

"You know what I hate most, Tanjirou?" I forgot about Muzan for a moment... He treaded towards me, stepping on broken shards and I felt like shrinking when he had menacingly towered over my shaking, scared form. "It's people being disrespectful. For now I'm sure you know you will have to pay the consequences."

Crap... Here he comes...! His claws were raised and ready to chop me alive until...

"Oh my, what happened here!" That's... His wife. "I heard a loud crash and I came as fast as I could! Are you boys alright?"

I sadly looked to her with tears in my eyes and when I turned to look at Muzan again, his claws were already hidden from her sight.

(Editor's Note: Pretty intense chapter. No smut either. I approve of this chapter type)

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