Chapter Two

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While bandaging up the wounds I had caused, as my wife asked me to, I could feel the boy's life energy slowly fading... I was slightly shocked when he fell against me, dropping unconscious. I stared down at him with a grim face... His scent wafted gently into my nostrils, catching me a little off guard as a temptation arose within me... I wanted to taste him for some odd reason... If only my family wasn't here.

"Oh, he fell asleep, the poor boy must be knackered..."

I had a mild struggle to tear my intent stare from his peaceful expression and point it towards my wife, I couldn't help myself, he had such a pure face, andI was hooked at the purity reaching out from his features while he slept.

"I wonder who he is? And where his parents are?" She asked.

A pang of guilt shot through me as my wife spoke, myself choosing to tell a white lie and not reveal myself as a criminal. "He's a nephew of mine. His parents died recently, so he came crying to me earlier. Maybe we should take him into our care from now on?" I waited patiently for her answer while slithering my hand across his shoulder blades before fully enveloping his small, vulnerable form in the embrace of my arm... You won't escape, Tanjirou.

"Of course! Any kind soul in need is welcome in our household!" She agreed without any issue... as expected from someone with such a caring, yet naive, nature. One of the reasons why I chose her as a partner since she would never suspect me to do anything morally questionable.

As we arrived at the hospital, I placed a slumbering Tanjirou's on a hospital bed, and in the middle of the doctor stitching him up, he slowly began to wake up... The effects of the spell I had applied to him beforehand had worn off slightly, allowing his consciousness to partially recoup.

I stood with my family, coldly staring down at him as his eyelids flickered and his eyes darted about as he tried to familiarize where he is. The blinding light on the ceiling caused his eyes to squint.

"Mhm..." He murmured to himself before finally feeling the stinging process of needles and thread sealing up his open cuts. "What's... happening?"

"You're finally awake, my boy! My husband said you were his nephew... I'm so sorry to hear that your parents died recently, but don't fret, we are your family now." My wife piped up, her tone chipper as ever.

"What do you mean? There's no way Muzan and I are rela..."

"Tanjirou," I coldly interrupted while approaching the foot of the hospital bed he was laid on, shooting him an icy glare. I then firmly seized his leg to notify him of my course of action, should he open his mouth too much. "Be a good boy now and rest, you shouldn't use too much energy speaking. Just lay down and..." My blood-lust crimson eyes glowed menacingly. "Let the doctor do his job, alright?"

"OH my!" I sharply turned my head to the doctor... And he was both astounded and worried when blood suddenly spurted out of his wound due to the inhumane pressure I exerted on the leg of the partially conscious boy, it almost felt like he was a lemon that I could easily squeeze the juices out of... "Why is his blood overflowing so suddenly?"

I thought he noticed I was the reason why... I was prepared to kill him too. With this false alarm, my dark, long and lethal nails shrunk back to their normal and human-sized versions, the throbbing veins all over my hand sank back to their regular positions, hiding any evidence of my exertion.

I didn't realize I had done that, so when I quickly let go, the bleeding stopped leaking... Hm... Can't you see, Tanjirou? My power is far greater than yours so it's best for you to give up... And be my apprentice instead... maybe if you make me happy, you might replace my wife...

I reveled in the sight of a him thrashing in pain, his groans like music to my ears, along with his struggle to keep his energy-deprived eyes open. I had already transfered another wave of sleeping spell through our physical contact around his leg.

You'll be mine, won't you? Little demon hunter...

Before passing out there was a small name he mentioned, "Nezuko..."

That was his little sister I suppose. I wouldn't worry about her too much right now as she is powerless without you around... But if you keep being stubborn, I might burn you with her.

(Editor's Note: My favourite quote from this chapter would have to be "Maybe if you make me happy, you might replace my wife", because what the fuck were you thinking Author-chan?)

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