Extra Chapter

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3rd person]]

The night on the streets of asakusa was lively and crowded more than usual due to a festival being held.

Months had faded away and not even once Tanjirou tried to resist his new 'father', as it is all part of the deal. Quite silly, isn't it?

"Dear, I am so glad at the progress of your relationship with Tanjirou! You both became so close, almost like a real father and son. I am glad..." The still clueless wife of the lethal Muzan Kibutsuji said, embracing his arm sweetly. "Let's go to the Plaza now and enjoy the night!"

"As you wish. Ah, Tanjirou, would you like to come?" Asked the secretive demon over his shoulder, smiling invitingly to the child. The boy was aware Muzan wanted him to join them so he nodded his head. "Use words to answer, son. No need to be shy, we are one happy family after all." Muzan smiled once more.

He loved living in the fantasy of having a perfect family, to have a group of people he can call his own who's full of warmth and has a beating heart, unlike him that was cold and empty.

He enjoys playing house with Tanjirou. He even developed a kink of having an affair with him as his wife slept soundlessly in their chamber.

He doesn't resent Tanjirou, in fact, he felt the complete opposite. He desire him so much, he wanted him all to himself. He wouldn't let anyone try to take him away.

The roofless carriage they rode on drove down the colorful and joyous festival street. Tanjirou who was sat beside Muzan, drowsily swayed slightly. His eyelids feeling heavy. Muzan had used him until sunrise earlier so he was unable to rest enough.

With lazy eyes, Muzan smiled down to his vulnerable form in pleasure, "My wife," He turned his head to look at his family sat across them. The vehicle jolted slightly from running over a small rock. Their daughter was too absorbed at the beautiful scenery and sweet stands that won't fail to make you drool. She has her eye focused on that caramelized apple though. "Tanjirou says he needs to go to the bathroom."

"Ah, sure!"

"He isn't feeling well either, I will go help him get there." Muzan was good in lying. Firmly seizing the sleepy boy's wrist, he tugged him out of the carriage. Tanjirou had missed the steps on the way down so he plummeted downward, but with Muzan's harsh grip around his limb, his face didn't crashed against the cold cement. Tanjirou tiredly looked up to his 'owner'. The superior man just smiled. He literally had sucked the life and hopes out of this boy's eyes. He was proud of his creation.

"Muzan, where are we going?" Asked Tanjirou as he was dragged out of the public and into a narrow, isolated space between two houses. The area they were in was dim since the walls were blocking out the colorful lights. "I'm sorry, I don't feel like doing it." He used to be too embarassed to say such words before yet now they rolled out of his tongue like effortless compliments.

"We won't." Muzan smirked. Tanjirou has no idea why, but he was upset about that.

"Then what?" He questioned.

Muzan rested his back against a wall across the boy, crossing his arms over his chest, "The place is noisy. I can't stand festivals. I always take a break in this place whenever my wife forces me to come with her. You seem tired so let's rest here for now and..." Tanjirou followed with his eyes when Muzan's long, pale index finger lifted up to point towards the crowd. "Look."

Tanjirou wasn't sure what he meant until a familiar girl with long hair and pink kimono came into sight.

"Nezuko? Why is she here? Didnt she lived somewhere else?"

"She's visiting her new family I suppose."

"I... Want to talk to her. May I?"

Muzan thought for a moment with a teasing hum, "Go ahead. Don't cause a scene."

"Y-Yeah..." Tanjirou, filled of high hopes once more, sprinted towards the said girl. Nezuko didn't changed in appearance at all! He stopped to grab her shoulder. The girl's large eyes met his exhausted ones. "Nezuko."

"Ah, who are you?"

Tanjirou just chuckled with such sorrow and pain, "As expected. Um, nothing... You just remind me of someone I knew."

"Was this person's name Nezuko?"

"Ah, yes..."

"I see... Ah, you look so tired. Have some dumplings. I... Made them with my grandpa." She opened the lid of a round container. There were cute pig designed dumplings there... Tanjirou took one and ate in one big bite. She giggled. "Have some more. You seem hungry."

"Thank you. I'll just take one more. Let's leave some for your family." Tanjirou said, chuckling as he munched on the food but he froze when his sister's hand held his cheek. She has this fond spark in her eyes as they gazed into his.

She spoke ever so softly, "It's strange... You remind me of someone really special but I can't remember who."

Tears streamed down his cheeks, "Same here..."

"Lily!" Called a grandma from the distance. The girl looked quickly.

"Granny! I came here to visit you!" 'Nezuko' said as they embraced. "How are you?"

"I'm doing fine. How about you my little Lilly?"

"Doing great! Oh and I met a friend. What's your name again-" When Lily looked, the boy she was talking to earlier was no longer there.

It has been atleast fifteen minutes but the boy didn't returned to their rendezvous, so when he came back to their carriage, Tanjirou was already with his family.

"Honey, let's go eat ramen!"

"Alright." Muzan said, holding mischievous eye contact with Tanjirou.

Tanjirou wasn't sure anymore if Muzan is actually kind. There were times he was brute and rash but there were times as well that he was caring and sweet. He was unpredictable and unreplacable. Maybe that's why Tanjirou was slowly liking him because he just don't know what Muzan's next move will be.

As the powerful demon climbed into the carriage and sat down beside the boy, he smiled and whispered, "Happy birthday... I hope you liked my gift."


(It's not Tanjirou's birthday today! Just another extra chapter.)

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