Chapter Four

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Tsk... Humans are so annoying. They did nothing but push me to my limits and when I strike back in return... They would have this terrified look on their faces, making it seem they were the innocent ones.

Hmmm... I had no idea what came to me that I've tried to all of a sudden murder him. The way he slapped my face really angered me... Fortunately for him, my wife arrived to check on us. Who wouldn't when the entire chamber we were in almost blew up.

For some reason, I was restraining myself possible because I don't want to kill him... Just yet. He can benifits me in a lot of ways...

Riiiiiing. Riiiiiing. Riiiiing.


"Ill go answer the phone," I calmly enunciated to my family around the long wooden dining table and spared a curious look at the quiet Tanjirou before rising to my feet and doing what I've said.

Five minutes passed and those people on the phone only asked for the house rent's payment for this month.

As I returned to the dining table to sit, Tanjirou was still lifelessly looking at his barely touched food. I certainly traumatized him earlier... Well, at least now he knows his place which is below me.

"Ah, dear, I will take our daughter to her friend's house tomorrow at lunch, would you want to come?"

I have other plans, "No, dear, go and enjoy tomorrow. I will be finishing some of my work."

"Alright! How about you, Tanjirou?" He didn't reacted nor flinched but instead kept blankly staring at his food. "Tanjirou...?" After that last worried call, he jolted in surprise into a straight sitting position.

"Ah, y-yes?"

I shook my head slightly before forcing myself to finish the last meat left on my plate.

"Are you alright? You have been zoning out a lot..."

"Im... Fine." He knew my wife couldn't change anything even if he tells her his problems, even if she's willing to which is impossible. She had fallen head over heels on me and there's no way she would let some dirty boy stray us apart.

The silent dinner went by quickly and I had found myself inside my cold office after being kissed by both my wife and daughter before they left to sleep into their designated chambers.

As I boredly reclined against this uncomfortable soft chair, all I could think was him. He resembled and has the same aura as his father, the one who nearly taken my life however with his mercy I was spared... Which is the stupidest thing since I've gotten stronger... Stronger even that I'm considered a God and that was his mistake. I've taken his life as well as those he dear... I happened to miss two children... But that doesn't concern me at the moment since they could never overpower me no matter how much they desperately try...

Tch... The dinner was the worst. My wife doesn't cook very well but I would still praise her nonetheless. I'm... Starving... I need even just an ounce of blood to stay sane from going into a ruthless cannibal I've always been and crazily massacre another family.

Well, I'll go fetch some blood for myself. I stood to approach the large glass windows set up just behind my office chair. And there's a light drizzle outside too... Slowly reaching towards its golden ying-yang shaped knob, I twisted to push it open and give me a accessible entrance however before I could... I stopped upon feeling the boy's presence approaching my office. Then after a few minutes, the doors opened and he had welcomed himself in.

I smirked... Someone wants to play? So I locked the large windows again to turn around and face the indifferent kid.

I amusedly scratched my office chair as I ran my hand over the backrest, my sharp nails neatly slicing across the very front layer and allowing the cotton within to squirm out.

He just watched what I'm doing in fear, as if afraid that I would do these things to him next... Well... If he behaves I might...


"What is it?" I hummed. He tried to speak but what I'm doing on my chair kept distracting him so I stopped by pulling my arms across my chest.

"I'm going to get out of here. You won't be able to succeed... Because good always overpowers the bad!"

"That's inspirational."

"Tsk...! And what were you doing opening the windows? Were you perhaps thinking of... Using it as an exit to... Hunt down innocent people again? Like what you've did to my family?!" He's raging...

"What can you do?" I stared down at him with a glint of murder in my eyes. "Hold on, you can do something... If you want to save lives so much and act like the pathetic hero you are, then... Be my food." One second later, I had myself lowered in the same height as this boy right in front of him with my hands on my slighty bent knees and large eyes penetrating his shaking shocked ones. A sinister smile broke across my pale face as my stares dug further onto his trembling core.

Sumbit to me, Tanjirou.

When he finally had the ability to speak again, his voice cracked with emotions, "What...? Why would I? I'll kill you first!"

"Are you... Sure?" I asked Suspiciously, "Is your life more precious than those I would kill tonight just to fill my growling stomach? I won't ask one more time... Would you say yes... Or no?"

I hear his jaw clenching before finally admitting defeat, "Which part of me would you even want?"

Hmm... I wonder... I continued to lower down until I'm on my knees. I roamed my eyes up and down his body. Which one...? His cheeks must be soft but I don't want to scar his beautiful face... I guess I'll just have to... I slithered my fingers around his throat and gripped making him raise his head to try getting better air through his slightly blocked airway. He now began choking... Ahhhh, music to my ears...

"I think I know which part of your body I want to devour." I finally decided and leaned dangerously close until I was able to hotly run my sticky tongue upwards the exposed area of his throat that I'm not gripping, towards his under chin. My, the way he shivered made my body hot all of a sudden..."You have quite an impactful power yourself, Tanjirou, and that is to expertly arouse men... Now, be a good boy... And let me eat."

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