Chapter Six

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My, my, my... humans are too obvious. He is trying to kill me using this game he had proposed.

"We'll talk later..." I closed my eyes to savour this red wine made out of the finest grapes. I watched him with lazy eyes... Give me your best, little slayer...

It has been an hour, my family had left and I stood beside the large window of my office with this little boy close. I shot him a look that he can speak now.

"Hide and seek..." He whispered... "If you wont find me in an hour then i win and... you'll let me see Nezuko alive. I know you wont even let me escape so... thats my wish."

"And if i find you in less than an hour?"

"You... can do anything you want..." He sounded hesitant at his own rules... but this is interesting... My footsteps echoed slightly when I walked closer to him just to assault his pure body with my eyes. I wonder what kind of things i would do to this innocent body... I then quietly slipped my hand underneath his collar and roamed it further until I could feel his soft nipple... He jolted slightly in discomfort before jumping away in resistance so my hand quickly slipped out of his yukata. Tch... Im quite disappointed he refused to be touched by me...

"Anything i want? You better not resist like what youve done right now... or I will let you see your sister's head instead."

He shivered in fear, "Deal."

Seriously looking him straight in the eyes, I held my hand out for him to shake before smiling lovingly, "You just made a pact with a devil, my little slayer. Now... Time starts now. Hide."

I watched emotionlessly as he rushed to scamper off and even clumsily tripped on his way. Hm, i should give him time to actually prepare... and i wont even risk the chance of being attacked so.. with one swift of my fingers, two of my servants showed up and was kneeling before me.

"Look for the boy. Hes around here however, dont let him see you."

"Wouldnt he smell our scents?"

"Ive already drugged him enough to mess up his senses so he wouldnt be able to. Now scram."

Not long after, there were noises around the mansion. I just patiently sat on my chair, waiting for them to return and report however... there were agonizing screams instead. What is happening? I teleported near to where Ive heard the cries and there was a strong sunlight bathing the vertical hallway across the horizontal one I'm currently standing on - since the hallways were intersected as a cross - , thankfully I've kept enough safe distance and was in the shade made by a wall so I was unable to be hit by even just a ray or burn me unlike my unfortunate servants. One of them were turning into ashes as she showed up in my view crawling for an escape attempt.

She noticed my presence, "Master...!" Before turning into ashes. Shit...

Did that brat planned to lurr me into this place where another large window that the sunlight can easily bask through? But since my servants were the ones I asked to search for him, they were the ones who had fallen in his trap instead of me...

Not... bad. At all. You are something...

I cackled out loud. This is too amusing.

Tanjirou, being too distracted at the plan of escaping, didnt noticed I was there and when he did, he had hurried over the other side of the blinding sunlight that I unfortunately have to cross first before reaching him... I watched him with a soft smile as my useless servant's ashes sprinkled in the sunlight. He just resolutely glared at me as if victory was already his before sprinting away...

Oh my... you are such a silly boy... First, youve planned on killing me by exposing me to the sun because youve said yourself i wont let you escape... and now you used this blinding light as a barrier to keep me from coming after you...

You really thought I was... that stupid?

"Took you long enough." I spoke calmly at another demon friend that had blocked that pesky boy's way. He screamed in protest as it firmly tied its arms around his small physique.

"What the...!" Tanjirou wiggled free yet failed. This demon friend of mine then tossed him across the sun bathed hallway and towards me. Then I caught him in my arms just fine and smiled down to him wickedly.

"Found you."

[Possible smut next chapter. This isnt edited. The whole book isnt lmfao...]

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