Chapter 2

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It was Wednesday and I walked through the studio doors again. The building itself was square shaped with a small reception which lead to the main studio area which took up most of the building. I placed my bag in my spot again and changed my shoes.


I turn to see Alexandra with her own bag. Her hair was in a low ponytail and she was wearing a black crop top with the studio's name and logo. Her face was etched with confusion, I gave her a shy smile.

"Oh, hi Alexandra," I greeted. She sat next to me and put her bag next to mine.

"Why are you here?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused, I only miss days of dancing when I feel like I'll vomit a dam.

"You have a concussion, you should be home!"

"I'm fine Alexandra, I'm here to dance." I mumble, I slowly stand up ignoring the dizziness which hasn't gone away. Truth be told I feel like shit, I always do the day after a panic attack and my head is killing me.

"Wait, Olivia!" I hear Jazmine say stopping me, I look over to her and see her next to Alexandra. "Want us to help teach you the group dance? Alexandra knows some of it too." She offered, I purse my lips and nod, I'm the worst dancer here so what's the harm?

'They'll make fun of you.'

I pondered on the thought as I walked with them to the back of the studio were Jazmine stood on one side of me and Alexandra on the other. "So we start with..."

I followed her instructions with some ease but I knew I would fumble with the music. "Not like that," Alexandra interrupted. I froze mid way through stretching my leg to reach my arm that was out to the side. "Your leg should be turned more to the right, that way it will be easier to do the the next leap," Alexandra explained. She moved behind me and gently turned my leg to the right. Her hand was warm even through my black tights, a bright blush crept up my face and Jazmine rolled her eyes in amusement.

"Anyways," she giggled, "the next step we jump to the corner and do a normal leap."

Jazmine demonstrated and I copied, landing a bit harder than I meant to.

"Good job!" She smiled clapping her hands, her eyes crinkling with her smile. I smiled back shyly. "Did you get home safe?" Jazmine asked, "I know your head would still hurt from yesterday."

"I got home safe, the walk wasn't too long," I mumbled. Jazmine blinked in surprise and her face contorted into one of shock.

"You walk home?" She restated in a confused tone, I nodded with a little shrug, rubbing my arm in embarrassment.

"It's only 20 minutes away-"

"But you still walk home at night." Jazmine strained, I looked down at the floor, to nervous to say anything.

"What path do you take?" Alexandra asked coming up next to me, there was no room between our shoulders and she looked down at me with concern.

"The one next to the woods..." I reluctantly muttered.

"Jesus honey!" Jazmine cried, "do you know how many crackheads hang out there? Especially at night?"

"It's the fastest way home."


I freeze at the nickname and my heart lurched into my chest. Alexandra just called me 'Ollie,' only my father has ever called me that, it felt....nice. I fought the smile trying to creep up my face, 'they're mad at you Olivia, don't smile or you'll screw things up more!' I thought pursing my lips tightly.

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