Chapter 4

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I felt a weight on my shoulder and looked down to see Olivia fast asleep on my shoulder. My cheeks heated up a little, she looked so innocent with her brown and blonde highlighted hair framing her face, her dark eyelashes casting a small shadow on her soft cheeks and her full lips letting out tiny little breaths. 

'Oh, my God, she's adorable!' I thought, I pulled out my phone spying Jazmine absently looking out the window. 

'Hey hey guess what'

I send the text watching for her response. 


Like me, she never puts punctuation in a text. 

'Olivia is sleeping on my shoulder and its so cuteeeeeeee'

Jazmine leaned over from her seat and I waved, she huffed with a smile and rolled her eyes sitting back down. 

'Congratulations Alex you are both now married.'

'I wish'

I looked down to Olivia's sleeping face as the song ended.  She shifted a little closer, nuzzling her head further into my shoulder and let out a little, content hum and I resisted the urge to squeal. 

'Holy shit she's just nuzzled into my shoulder I think I'm gonna die'

Jazmine looked over to me again and I frantically gestured to Olivia and made hearts with my hands, she rolled her eyes in response and turned back to face the front. I felt my phone buzz.

'Want to know what would make this more romantic'


'Sleep as well'

I rolled my eyes with a smile. 

'What if I don't want to Jazz'

'Alex you've been up since 1am goodnight'

I put my phone down and leaned my head onto Olivia's, her hair smelled of something I couldn't place but was still pleasing. I closed my eyes with a smile listening to Requiem from Dear Evan Hanson. 

I opened my eyes again to see a hotel next to the bus, I blinked groggily lifting myself from Olivia's head who was still asleep on my shoulder, 'are we already here?' I thought, I looked over to see everyone standing up, 'we must be,' I realised. I nudged Olivia gently and she hummed slightly. 

"Ollie, we're here, wake up." 

She opened her eyes slightly and she glanced around before shooting up like someone shot a lightening bolt through her back. "I-I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed holding her hands out, it was like she expected to be hit. 

"What are you apologising," I asked in confusion, "you didn't do anything wrong, you were asleep the entire ride."

She stuttered a little and shrunk in on herself, I raised an eyebrow. I could never understand why she was so nervous around everyone, we had been dancing together as a team for a few years but Olivia always acted as though she couldn't trust anyone. 

"I fell asleep on you, I didn't mean to-"

"If that's what you're apologising for than stop," I said sternly, "you did nothing wrong, it's fine Ollie."

She slowly brought her hands down and tucked her head down sheepishly. She got up from her seat quietly and walked down the aisle thanking the driver. I followed after and observed the hotel, it wasn't too grand. It was painted white with a line of stone blocks marking every floor which seemed to be about four. There were sets of two windows on one side and next to it was a balcony. 

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