Chapter 19

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I woke up to the sound of soft pattering on the window. My eyes cracked open as a small bout of thunder rumbled through the house. 'What time is it?' I thought, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand on my side of the bed and grimaced at the brightness. 'Why the fuck am I up at 5am?' I thought as another crackle of thunder rolled over the house. Sighing silently, I looked out the window. 

I couldn't help but wonder about mum, how she was coping. Of course after what happened she wouldn't be thinking highly of me, I had provoked her and she reacted, I then called someone mum had never even spoken to and told them what happened and they came and got me. I doubt she feels much love for me at the moment, however given the circumstances, I knew I deserved it. 

My short stay with Alexandra has been pleasant of course, she's amazing, but I miss things. My heart clenched painfully when I thought back to yesterday, I had struggled so much during school because I didn't have my fidget cube or even one of my books. I bit down on my bottom lip, moving slowly and carefully as to not wake Alexandra who was sleeping facing away from me. I carefully moved the duvet covers off my body and I shivered at the sudden chill, goosebumps pricked my skin. I swung my legs over the bed and stood up.

A sharp gasp left my lips as Alexandra grabbed my arm and pulled me back into bed. Her arms encircled me and she moved her leg over mine, successfully trapping me. "Why are you up?" She mumbled sleepily. I blushed, feeling her hot breath on my ear.

"Just...go back to sleep," I whispered and Alexandra held on tighter.

"But you're so warm," she protested. We laid in a semi comfortable silence until Alexandra unwrapped herself from me and propped her head on her hand. "You're missing something," Alexandra said, it more more of a statement then a question. That was one of the things that amazes me about her, she just seemed to know everything before I even said it. I pinched my lips together before opening my mouth.

"My fidget cube, yesterday I...struggled without it."

Alexandra shrugged. "Who said you can't get it back?"

"What are you implying?" I asked, squinting at her as a mischievous smirk crossed her lips, the tiredness that lingered in her voice was gone.

"I'm feeling a little risky, do you have a key to your house?"

"Yeah of course," I answered. "I didn't grab it when I left though."

A silence settled between us as Alexandra looked at me expectantly, with one eyebrow raised and I tried to look everywhere else but her, I knew what she was saying, I wasn't stupid. 'How long will I last without it? I thought. I went back over to how much of a hell my school days were when I stayed with Mrs Reynolds, I had nothing to calm me and I had no idea how long it will be until it was okay to go home. Would I last that long?

I bit my lip nervously before looking at Alexandra who still had her eyebrow raised. "Mum never locks her bedroom window," I eventually said and without a moments hesitation or even rational thought, the duvet covers flew off and Alexandra was rushing to the bathroom. 'I'm actually doing this, God Alexandra what have you done to me?' I thought as I got up from the bed. 

Within the hour we were dressed and in the car. Alexandra donned a long sleeved black crop top with dark blue ripped jeans, and I had only thrown on a simple grey t-shirt, a big white hoodie and black jeans. "This is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid," I repeated, wringing my hands together  as we drove down my street. Alexandra chuckled in amusement. 

"Well to be fair you haven't told me to turn around."

I turned in my seat to stare at her unamusedly. "I would happily go to the shops and buy a new one, they're only $5 or something like that," I said and Alexandra scoffed.

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