Chapter 20

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The late Friday afternoon glow streamed through the windows of the living room. I was lying comfortably on the couch, a random movie playing as I threaded Olivia's hair through my fingers. She was laying between my legs, the back of her head resting on my stomach. She was reading through Moby Dick and nearing the end. 'She's been reading that book every chance she gets,' I thought amusedly.

As the week went on Olivia had suffered a panic attack, her father had called and said he was meeting with a lawyer and asked if Valerie had tried to contact her, which she thankfully hadn't. Ashlyn had also seemed to have made herself at home at our studio, I still didn't like her. Looking down at Olivia, I noticed her eyes beginning to droop a little. 'She pretty much zeroed on her as soon as she got here,' I thought distastefully. The others seemed to have noticed too.

A soft thump reached my ears and I looked down confusedly, then chuckled. Olivia had fallen asleep, one arm was dangling off the couch where her book laid. I chuckled in amusement, letting my thumb glide down Olivia's soft, pale cheek. I shifted a little so I was comfortable and shut my eyes, letting the exhaustion of the week fade away.

"What the hell?"

I gasped awake at the snapping voice. Looking up I could see Rowan and mum standing above us. Mum looked more shocked and confused but Rowan's face was red with rage, his hands were firmly on his hips, unattractive wrinkle lines decorated his forehead. "M-mum!" I exclaimed, I looked over to my side and saw Olivia awake, hunched in on herself and eyes downcast, her book laid forgotten on the floor. "I forgot to call!" I said to try and explain.

"Alex, you know how I feel about friends coming over unannounced-"

"Please let me explain," I pleaded, Olivia's eyes were clouding over. Her hands were beginning to shake and she clamped them down on her knees.

"There is nothing to explain," Rowan snapped and I glared at him then turned to mum.

"Please," I said, mum heaved a sigh then nodded much to Rowan's obvious chagrin. I nodded, looking at Olivia. "Head up to my room, it'll be okay," I said and she wordlessly nodded, standing up and speed walking away. Mum watched her go with a raised eyebrow.

"Well?" She said putting her hands on her hips. "What happened?"

I told her everything. Her stern, scolding eyes changed and softened, hearing Olivia's story and her anxiety. Mum sighed, removing her hands from her hips and her eyes flickered to the stairs. "While I would have appreciated a call Alex, I'm proud you took charge."

"You're not mad?" I asked in shock.

"No, I'm pissed but I would have rather you got her than left her to be hurt again."

"You're grounded," Rowan spat and I looked at him in shock.


"Now dear, be reasonable," mum said, putting her hand on Rowan's shoulder. I had to refrain from gagging at the gesture. "Give me your phone," mum said, holding her hand out. Sighing, I took my phone from my back pocket and handed it over. Mum tucked it away and said, "you can have it back tomorrow, you have a competition don't you?"

I nodded and mum gestured to the stairs. "Go bring your girlfriend down, she seems very sweet."

I nodded, got up and quickly jogged up the stairs. The door to my room was shut and as I opened it, I was greeted with the sight of Olivia pacing back and forth, her hands shaking at her sides as she took desperate deep but quick breaths to calm down. I shut the door behind me and Olivia jumped, her eyes snapped to meet mine. "Are you okay?" I asked. 'Great question,' I berated.

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