Chapter 13

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It was the next day and I pulled into the empty studio parking lot. I spotted Jazmine leaning against the closed doors. I get out of my car and walk up to her, my bag slung over my shoulders. "Hey Jazz," I greet, leaning on the wall next to her. She nodded in greeting. 

"Have you worked out what has been happening with Olivia?" She asked, I groaned shaking my head. 

"No," I huffed. "She'll hardly look at me, let alone hug me!"

Jazmine look at me in concern and a raised eyebrow. "Maybe it's because of the situation at home?" She suggested. I shrugged and she sighed. "Alex, I really don't know."

My head lifted as another car pulled into the parking lot, it was Mrs Reynolds car and I saw Olivia in the passanger seat. My heart lept and I had to resist the urge to pull her into a hug. They pulled into a spot and got out of the car. I watched as Olivia walked closer, ignoring Mrs Reynolds as she gave a quick "good evening girls," and unlocked the studio. 

My eyes followed Olivia and before my mind caught up I reached out and grabbed her by her forearm. "Wha-"

I quickly dragged her to the bathroom and the last thing I saw before closing the door was Jazmine shaking her head and walking into the studio. I shut the bathroom door and Olivia looked at me confused. "Alex-"

"What's going on?" I interrupted, my hands were firmly planted on her elbows. Olivia shrugged me off.

"W-what do you mean?" Olivia asked, crossing her arms.

"You've been avoiding me, you were so happy that we were together but now you're not even looking at me," I said, Olivia's eyes flickered to mine and she rubbed her arms nervously.


"Did I do something?" I asked, worry creeped into my stomach making me feel sick. Maybe I did something and I didn't know? I thought back to my previous actions but I couldn't think of anything. Olivia's eye's widened impossibly large.

"No, no, no, it's not you," she quickly reassured, she peeked at the closed bathroom door. As if to make sure no one was listening.

"Then what is it?" I asked, leaning closer. Olivia looked back at the ground. "Olivia?" I said softly, she shook her head violently.

"I'll tell you later," she said and she then turned to leave. I moved swiftly and grabbed her wrist, stopping her with her hand on the door knob. "Let...go," she whispered, her eyes closed. I shook my head.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong," I sternly said. Olivia ripped her arm away and left through the door, it slammed behind her. "Fuck!" I swore, slamming my hand into the wall by the door. I heaved a deep breath and released it, closing my eyes. I took another breath and shook my head. "What am I doing wrong?" I whispered. I have never dated anyone as complex as Olivia, never have they been so invested then distant within the space of a day.

"Alex?" A voice called from the other side of the door, it was Jazmine. "Can I come in?"

I opened the door and Jazmine walked in. "What happened?" She asked, leaning against the door. I dragged my hand across my face and groaned, the weight of what I did finally hitting me.

"I tried to force Olivia into telling me what was happening," I admitted. Jazmine's jaw dropped.

"One," she said, holding up a finger. "You're dumb as shit, two, you're dumb as fuck."

"I know, I know," I said, rubbing my forehead. Jazmine shook her head disapprovingly.

"Alexandra, what's Olivia's personality?" She asked, I raised an eyebrow but answered nonetheless.

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