Chapter 8

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After the rest of the dances we changed into the studio uniform, shrugged on our studio jackets and sat in our places on the stage, ready for the awards. The announcer, a middle aged man spoke in a clear voice. 

"Thank you all for coming! We've had quite the dances, so without further ado..."

I tuned him out as he gave out the awards for the younger groups, the senior devision is all that mattered to me. My eyes roamed over the crowd, trying to spot dad but the lights were still out. I shifted my gaze to the other studios, some had changed into a studio uniform but others were still in their costumes. I caught Alexandra's eye but she looked away, I glanced down into my lap, guilt creeping up on me. 'It's my fault,' I thought grumpily, 'I pushed her away from me,' I sighed looking back up at the announcer, why did I freak in the first place? What would have happened if I didn't push her away? 

"The overall score for the senior group dance, is..."

I leaned forward slightly in anticipation, "Illusion Dance with 'A Little Party Never Killed Nobody!'"

I slumped back as a boy from the studio got up, shook the mans hand and accepted the award. I didn't bother listening to second and third, I could see from Alexandra's dejected face that we didn't get anything for the group dance as I thought back to the performance. 'I didn't kick that high in the second chorus, and I almost ran into Evie when she was about to do her aerial,' I picked out my mistakes, anyone of them could have landed us in trouble with the judges.

"Overall score for the duets is Dancers Express with 'Arms'!" 

My head snapped up in shock but then quickly smiled. Alexandra and Jazmine both made their way to the front to accept the award, they held hands on their way back to their spot. I smiled over at her and she caught my gaze, her head turned to me and smiled quickly then looking back to the front. I frowned as Jazmine asked her something but Alexandra waved her off, flipping the award over in her hands. 

They went on to the trios and I clapped when our studio got third overall score. "For the solos, overall score goes to Each Beats with 'Impossible!'"

I sighed in frustration, seeing the soloist go up and accept the award, I rested my head in my hand. 'Why am I surprised? I made so many little mistakes!' I berated myself. "Second overall score, goes to Dancers Express with 'Candlelight!'"

I looked up in surprise, did I just hear that right? I hesitantly stood up, hearing the cheers in the audience, Alexandra and my father more than most. "That's my baby!" He screamed, I made my way to the announcer and shook his large hand, accepted the award and sat back down. A little smile pulled at my lips as I looked down at the writing on the award, stating the competition, my name and what I won with. 


I turned to see another girl who I recognised as one of the competing soloists. "T-thank you," I stuttered turning back to the front.

The awards ended and we swiftly made our way back tot he dressing room, packing everything up and hauling it to the outside street. I clutched the award tightly in my fingers as I stood on the outside of our little group, how to I tell Mrs Reynolds that dad wants to see me? I forgot to ask before awards were announced. I shifted on my feet as Alexandra talked to Jazmine who held their award. Alexandra seemed happy enough but when her eyes flickered to mine I quickly diverted my gaze to the floor. 


Mrs Reynolds stood in front of me, "yes?" I asked. 

"Ivan contacted me through FaceBook, he asked if he could spend time with you before you left for home."

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