Chapter 10

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It was the day of the date. In approximately one hour, Alexandra will be parked out the front of my house and we will go on the date. I sighed running a quick hand through my dishevelled hair and I sat up from my bed, I hadn't moved in hours after having breakfast. I was overthinking as usual. "If this doesn't go well then we mightn't end up as friends," I speculated. "Then I might lose the entire dance team."

I forced myself out of the bed and I stood in front of my mirror. I grimaced at my reflection, my hair was messy and I was still dressed in my pyjamas. I brushed my hair from my face with my hand and looked down at myself. "How am I going to make that look good?" I said to myself. 

I looked over the clothes in my closet feeling a little self conscious, I had nothing good to wear! I silently contemplated going in jeans and a t-shirt but then dismissed the idea, what if it was too casual? I eyed my phone, Jazmine always has a great sense of style, in and out of dancing. I picked my phone and quickly called her before my anxiety could tell me no. I pressed the phone to my ear and drummed my fingers against the desk.

"Alex just came to me for the exact same thing!" Jazmine yelled into the phone as soon as she picked up, I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"She did?" I question, Jazmine made a noise of affirmation.

"Yes honey, she did. Wear casual clothing."

There was a moment of silence, then she hung up. I raised an eyebrow, looking at the bank screen, 'did I annoy her?' I thought. The screen suddenly lit up with Jazmine's contact, this time as a FaceTime. I looked around my room nervously for anything out of place. Seeing nothing I answered the call.

"Show me your closet," Jazmine demanded, I pointed the camera to the appropriate place, Jazmine hummed thinking over my clothes. I started feeling insecure, was I really that boring that my clothing reflected that? "Take out the 90's jeans you got back there, and the green sweater."

I place my phone down on my table and took out the clothes, laying them down on the bed. I showed them to Jazmine.

"Okay great, have your hair out, maybe straighten it? And casual converse, Alex is gonna love it!"

And this that, she hung up, I sighed and put my phone back down. 'Let's get this over with,' I think to myself picking up the sweater. I put on the clothes and tucked the sweater into the jeans, I straightened my hair and put on some black high top converse. I looked over my appearance one last time and smoothed my hair down. "This is the best I can do I guess," I muttered to myself. 

My phone buzzed and it was a text from Alexandra, she was waiting outside. I grab my little over the shoulder black bag and shut my bedroom door. I speed walked through the kitchen and to the front door, my hand touched the handle when mum stopped me. "Where are you going?"

I pinched my lips together nervously and turned to mum, her arms where crossed and she stood by the fridge, her eyebrow was raised in obvious questioning. An uneasiness rose up from my stomach, she can't know about Alexandra, she would never get of my case! I haven't come out to her yet either, only dad. 

"Olivia," mum said again. "Where are you going?"Her voice was sterner this time. 

"M-my boss needs me to collect some papers for the store," I answered avoiding eye contact, I instead looked at the fridge behind her. Mum made a face. 

"Mrs Turner never asks you to do those things, are you sure that's the response you want to go with?" Mum questioned, I froze and I felt the vibration of my phone in my front jean pocket. 'She's on to me,' I thought to myself.

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