Chapter 9

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When we arrived back at the studio, it was just past 5am. Olivia had fallen asleep on my shoulder again and woke up as soon the bus pulled up and despite her stubborn protests, I drove her home. 

"I can just walk," she had said, gesturing to her usual walking path, I shook my head as Jazmine snorted in amusement from beside me. 

"At 5am? No way, you'll be home quicker if I drive, now get in the car," I had dismissed her offer very quickly.

Olivia had reluctantly gotten into the backseat as Jazmine took up front. The drive was quiet as I reflected on what I had done yesterday, I asked Olivia out. She had apologised for a minor inconvenience and I asked her out. When I dropped Olivia off, I waved and winked as she quietly retreated into the already lit up house, it was when I pulled out of the driveway that Jazmine turned to me.

"What the fuck where you thinking?" She snapped, I blinked at her. 

"I know, I know," I answered raising a hand in surrender, "I should have waited."

"Damn right you should have waited!" Jazmine snapped, her arms were crossed and her was staring at me through the review mirror. I could tell she wasn't happy with me and wouldn't let this go until we had the date. "You guys were just upset with each other, and when she apologises you get up, get nice and close and ask her out!"

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. 

"Do you actually like her?"

This question caught me off guard. Of course I've got feelings for her, Olivia was extremely cute and sweet! I could never help it when my heart starts beating so fast. "Of course I like her!" I said turning into a main road, "she's so sweet Jazzy! And-"

"And what else?" Jazmine asks, "you never tell me how you feel about her, only her attributes, how do you feel when you're around her?"

"I feel incredible," I answer honestly, "my heart beats so fast near her, and when she smiles at me I feel like doing anything to make her keep smiling! Jazmine," I look at my best friend, "I don't ever want her to be upset or feel any despair, my feelings are genuine!"

Jazmine stares at me for a second, then smiles. "While I don't like how you used her vulnerability to your advantage, at least its genuine." She points a finger at me sternly, "don't mess this up, for the both of you."

We pull into Jazmine's driveway and I felt pride at how I didn't even have to focus on the directions. At the front of her house were her two parents and little sister. We get out of the car and I was immediately greeted by Jazmine's little sister Aliyah as she jumped into my arms. She stuck her tongue out at Jazmine who did it back. Jazmine took her suitcase out and Aliyah ran up to her.

"Hello honey," Mrs Church smiles. She was a plump, but youthful looking woman with a round, kind face, her eyes were an exact replica of Jazmine and her sister's eyes. 

"Hi Mrs Church," I greet back giving her a hug, "how are you?"

"Just fine, dear, just fine, and you?"

"Alex just landed herself a date with one of our dancers!" Jazmine shouts from the back of my car and making her way up the driveway. Mr Church grinned brightly, he was also a quite plump and extremely tall man, but he had some muscle in his arms, likely from the heavily lifting he does at work, he has the beginnings of a goatee and eyes that twinkled with mischievousness.

"Did you now?" He smiles crossing his arms, I blush rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yeah, yesterday," I answer with a shy smile. Mr Church claps my shoulder with hearty laugh, I huff in amusement. Mr Church always laughs, he's a jolly man who always sees a reason to be happy. 

Foundation of DanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora