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Your P.O.V

Today is the day. I'm so scared of what the boys will think of me. What if they don't like me? What if they're just rude and destroy our house? Since my parents will be gone they left me in charge what if I can't control the boys? All of these thoughts were going through my head when I heard a knock on the front door.

"Hey bro, how's it going?" I heard Gilinsky's deep voice speak. I didn't even finish getting ready half of my heir was straightened and I didn't even have makeup on. I really didn't care though because Jack G. Was my best friend. He never judged me. He was always there for me when no one else was. I immediately jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist almost knocking him down.

"WOAH Bri I missed you too" he said letting me down.

"So what time are these boys getting here?"

"I have no idea" Jack spoke in his deep voice.

I don't have feelings for Gilinsky but he's just been there for me a lot. I'm only 15 and that's way too young to date and 18 year old anyways. Actually it's illegal. He's just a really great brother.

I guess he could tell I was dazed out because he said "Bri don't worry, they're great guys, you'll love them and they'll love you. I promise" he smiled really big and someone knocked on the door.

"Got I-"

"No I've got it" I smiled.

Three boys were standing at the door. They looked confused and one that was really tall and pretty cute actually said in an accent, "oh I think we have the wrong house, sorry"

"Why would you think that?" I asked.

And then I remembered no one knows about me.

"Oh sorry I'm Bri. You probably don't know me but I'm Jack Johnsons little sister. But you've got the right house." I spoke out of breath a little. "And you are?" I asked the tall one.

"Nash, Nash Grier, and this is my little brother-"

"Hayes Grier" the one that looked like the tall one said but he was shorter. He looked about 17. It was weird.

"And I'm Carter" said the only one left.

"And how old are yall?"

"How old are you miss priss?" Nash spoke.

"15" I said with full confidence.

"I CALL DIBS" The two Grier boys chimed together.

"Nash you always get the girls"

"That's because you're only 14" nash laughed.

"Woah he's 14?!" I yelled with surprise.

"Yeah, he is can we finish this inside I'm kinda hot" laughed Carter.

"Maybe if you didn't wear all black" nash said.

"Bri what's taking so long?" I heard Jack G's voice speak.

"I was asking names. Haha I've got 14 year old that looks 17" I pointed at Hayes "and guy that wears black all the time" I pointed at Carter as he roles his eyes but broke and laughed along with me and the rest of the guys "and Mr. Cocky" I said pointing at nash.

"Hey I'm not cocky and you need better nick names."

"I think yours is fine but the other guys need better ones." I said walking into the kitchen grabbing the grapes.

"Here's a suggestion, how about, Hayes, Nash, and Carter" Nash said.

"Eh that's no fun"

Then I heard the door bell ring again.

I beat all of the boys to the door and saw a tall blonde headed boy that looked freakishly like Justin Bieber and a cute little brown headed boy. Before i could say anything Nash broke in.

"No you're not at the wrong house. Bri this is Matthew and Shawn." He said pointing at the boys. "Matt, Shawn believe it or not this is JJ's sister."

Nash looked at me and smiled "aren't you gonna give them nick names?

"UHM well I already thought of that when u opened the door 'matt' is Justin Bieber and sh- "

I couldn't finish my sentence before all of the guys started laughing and Matt butts in.

"Okay why does everyone think that? I don't sing or look like him."

"You know I always thought Justin Bieber was kinda cute" I laughed.

"Well I'm cuter." He said.

"Oohhh cocky #2?" I said looking at nash.

Just then another knock was at the door.

"Holy crap there's another one?!"

"Only one more sister" jj said.

I opened the door to a tall fit brown headed guy. He looked about 18.

"Hi, who are you?" We said at the same time.

"Oh I'm cameron he said shaking my hand. And you are?"

"Bri, JJ's little sister."

"JJ has a sister?!"

"Yep" nash said butting in once again.

"Oh hey nash, am I the last one to arrive?"

"Yes as always" nash said giving cameron a 'bro hug'.

"Is anyone hungry? Yall can watch a movie while I cook."

"YES" they all yelled piling onto the couch and chairs.

"Here I'll help you cook. I'm actually really good"

"Oh really Cocky"

"Okay really you're gonna need a new nick name for me."

"I'll have to get to know you better."

"Okay what do you need to know miss priss"

"Why did you call "dibs" on me?"

"Because you're beautiful" he said.

"No I'm not nash don't go playing with my head like everyone else please."

"No I'm serious."

Then I smelled a burning smell.

"Uhm you're burning the pop corn"

Nash said shyly like he was afraid to talk.

"Oh" I said grabbing it and pouring it into a bowl. I took it into the living room leaving nash alone in the kitchen. I plopped down on the couch next to Cameron and Nash came to set by me. He put his arm around me and I was so confused. I didn't know what to think. This has never happened before. I've either been made fun of or hated by guys. I looked at nash and he smiled at me. He has a beautiful smile. I think I'm starting to fall for him. I know it's only been like 2 hours but he's really sweet and maybe I'm not. But honestly I don't even know what love is. I don't think I have ever felt it. After the movie we figured out the sleeping arrangements and went to sleep. Of course me and nash had to share a room. He was supposed to sleep in my couch but once we got in there I don't know what took over me but I invited him to sleep in bed with me. Maybe it's just because a guy is finally liking me or maybe I actually like nash. But I just had the feeling that it was the right thing to do. I rolled over not facing nash and he scooted closer to me and wrapped his arms around me to cuddle. He called it spooning I think. Whatever it was. It felt amazing. I slept all night. Usually that doesn't happen because of my messed up sleeping but I did and I woke up happy. Really happy.


Hey guys! This is my first chapter and it's probably not that good. And it's really long but I just wanted to start the first chapter explaining everything. Thank you for reading and I will update anytime I can. Maybe even twice a day. Or not even once a day. It just depends. Thanks lovelies ❤️

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