Falling In Love With My Brothers HOTT Jerkis Bestfriend chappy 11

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  • Opgedragen aan Derek Johnson:)

Heyy guys.. well i know it has been FOREVER and seriously i have no excuse. But ive had bad writers block.. but since im on vacation im able to think and..therefore. write..:) Well im not sure quite how long this will be but im going to write all day so lets see:)..

Its 12:01 a.m.. Lets begin:)


***Coopers POV***

"Lets get fuuuuucked up!", I heard someone scream with the music, from not too far away, out by the balcony. I swear to god if we get caught for underage drinking because of that asshole ill shoot him/her i thought to myself as i walked out towards the two balconies where kids were playing beer pong.

My jaw dropped when i saw no other than my sister standing on top of the table dancing and singing while her bestfriend, Bergen, had Ryan tiedup to a chair in his boxers and socks with a bunch of red stuff that looked alot like ketchup smeared all over him, while he was trying to kick his way out of the chair.

"Isabelle Rose. What on Earth are you doing", i asked her.

She slowly stopped dancing and singing, and turned around to jump in my arms. Sending both of us crashing to the floor.

Before i even had time to ask Belle if she was okay she had jumped up and started screaming ,"Kadybear, he hurt me". Over and over again until Kayden, my BEST friend, came running and picked her up.

He had obviously not seen me there because he leaned down and kissed her. And no. Not an ordinary kiss. Not a little peck. Nope. A full force make-out session was going on.

Now im not surprised. I could so see this happening sometime soon, but seriously? Could they have a little respect?

"What the hell Kayden? If you have to get it on with my sister, dont do it in front of me". Kayden pulled away and quickly turned around to look at me. His expression reminded me of a lilttle kid getting caught staying up past bed time, it was priceless. While Bell on the other hand just pouted when Kayden stopped and started pulling on his sleeve to get his attention back.

***Isabelles POV***

"Kadybear, he hurt me!" I kept screaming until Kayden ran to me.

Ive had about 7 shots, played 3 games of beer pong and im on my 5th wine cooler.Did I mention im a light weight? Well yeah, i am. So right about now im crazy.

"Whats wrong BB"? He asked, concern all over his face.

"WellmeandBergenweretryingtovoodooRyanforbreakingupwithKaylee, BUT-,"i paused to take a deep breth and continued,"Right in the middle of it, Cooper came in and yelled at me. "! i exclaimed while letting my face slip intothe most attractive pout i could manage.

I dont really know why but since the last 4 hours me and Kayden have gotten around to calling eachother pets names and kissing alot. Im pretty sure its the alcohol though..

"Okay..? So you called me in here because Cooper ruined your..uhh..", he paused to look over at Ryan who was still tied up but now lying sideways on the floor, and then chuckled," Voodoo?"

I sighed loudly and crossed my arms in annoyance.

"Of course not. I jumped on him and he let us fall!"

Kayden chuckled and stepped towards me, uncrossing my arms, and holding my hands.

"Oh poor baby", he said as he leaned down to kiss me.

I through my arms around his neck. Loving the feeling of his lips against mine. I pressed myself against him wanting more. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and i gladly gave it to him. Oh lord im dumb when im drunk.

"What the hell Kayden? If you have to get it on with my sister, dont do it in front of me", Cooper butted in.

Kayden jumped away, and immediately i wanted to just punch my brother in the face. Seriously. Cant he go find someone else to bother?

I started pulling on Kaydens arm to get his attention but he just kept staring at Cooper like he was afraid if he broke eye contact he would get attacked.

"Kayden just ignore him. Hes a party pooper!" i said pulling on his arm one more time.

"Yeah Kayden its fine. Have fun, but hey, she is my sister so.. Ill kick your ass if you hurt her. Got it"? Cooper asked with a smile before walking a way and asking which lady would be lucky enough to leave with him tonight. Ha. Man whore.

"Kayden, imbored, im bored, im bored!!!. Lets go swimming",i whined and started running towards the front door.

"Bell i dont think thats the best idea. Its 3:25 in the morning. The pools closed". Kayden said while grabbing me by my wrist and pulling me around.

I just pulled my wrist out of his hands and sprinted out into the boats hallway, running as fast as i could to the elevator and pounding on the down button until the doors opened.

Just as i went to step into the elevator i tripped over the stupid carpet and started falling face first into the ground. I closed my eyes and got ready to hit the ground but even drunk Kayden has good enough balance to keep us both up. Which reminds me. How did he get behind me?

"Belle will you stop running? I wasnt telling you no. Just reminding you we could get in alot of trouble", Kayden said, pulling me up right.

" Oh i know. I just wanted the exercise. But anyways.. Lets goooo". I whined pulling him into the elevator, with what i guess was a little too much force because we both went tumbling to the floor as the doors closed and we started moving down.

"Hmm.. i could get used to this", Kayden murmured in my ear refering to the fact that i was straddled on top of him.

The best idea popped into my head and i couldnt resist. I leaned down so the end of my hair were touchin his cheeks and whisepered," Oh really"? Before closing the distance between us. Kissing him hard while my hands were running over his abs. He let out a low moan and i started bouncing where i was.

I knew if i went much farther my plan would totally back fire so right as the elevator doors opened i jumped up and started running to the pool. Ha ha. Hes probably still laying there confused.

"Belle you are soo getting it", i heard Kayden yell. But unfortunately he was alot closer to me then i thought and before i could even catch my breathe i was thrown in to the pool.

Clothes and all.


Heyyyyyy guys soo its 5 pages on my notebook.. im not sure what it will be on watt pad but anywho. thank you all sooo much for reading.

Oh and i swear uploads will be coming wayy more often now:)

VOTE!! COMMENT!! and please..FANNN:)

but mostly comments cuz i like knowing what you guys think

Thank you guys!



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