Falling in Love with my Brothers HOTT Jerkish bestfriend chapter 8

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Soooorrryyyyyy.. my computer broke but its all good now because my mommy bought me like thecutest purple laptop ever lol so its all goood and i can post now!!J

But heyyy I cant find a single guy celebrity that fits Kayden. If you have any ideas let me know...just a reminder Kayden has dark brown hair, icy blue eyes, FINE as hell lol, about 6 foot 2, killer 8 pack, but hes kind of pale. not vampire pale...but more..idk...more like a cream color..

GOODNESS..ive been rambling for straight days. You guys are probably thinking "Just shut up Adrienne and let us read" sooo thats what im goig to do...






Chappie 8 !!!!:)

Twenty minutes later i had finally stopped crying, and was just concentrating on contolling my breathing, with Kayden still holding me.

"Are you going to be okay BB"?, he asked. He always called me BB when we were younger. I loved it. But now that we dont talk, and he pretty much turned into a jerk, he never says it anymore.

"Umm..Yeah.. Its..its nothing", I said, stumbling over my words. I stood up, wiped my eyes and looked up at Kayden who was standing too, my eyes barely meeeting his collar bone.

"BB dont lie. You havent even so much as looked my way once in the last 3 years, and today you come up to me. ME. Of all people crying. I highly doubt " Its nothing", Kayden said. Looking down at me, with an expression i didnt understand.

I just stood there and stared at him for a while. Wondering how much i should tell him verses how much i wanted to tell him. I used to run to Kayden with all of my problems, and i loved how he always had an answer to solve them. But its been so long. And from what I've heard, yes HEARD, because well I don't talk to him at all and yeah he's at my house everyday but we just ignore each other most the time, he is a HUGE jerk. Plus he's gotten with just about every girl at our school. Including Lauren and Kaylee, and no one likes a player.

I rubbed the tears that had started spilling over again with the back of my hand and took a deep breath. "Listen Kayden, I'm so grateful you were here to help me because I really needed someone, but seriously, there's nothing you can do. So thank you, but I'll be fine". I told him, deciding im not quite ready to tell anyone. Not even Kayden, yet.

I started to pick up my stuff and turned to walk off the bus, but Kayden grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. Seriously, people need to leave my poor arms alone.

"Okay Bell. You don't have to tell me now. But when you're ready to talk come find me. I'll always be here to listen". Kayden had a slight smile tugging at his lips and gently let go of my arm. Leaving me confused as he gracefully walked off the bus.

If Kayden is the jerk everyone says he is then why the hell is he being so nice to me? I asked myself as I walked off the bus and towards the giant cruise ship we were taking to get to Hawaii.

After about an hour of walking around the cruise ship with bergen, kaylee, and lauren, i finally went to the upper deck and started looking for room 1040.

It was the last room on the right.

After what felt like 20 minutes of searching through my "Marry Poppins" bag I found my room key and was about to put it in the card slider when my "neighbor" stepped out of his room.

AWW shit!. God must really hate me today because no other than a shirtless Kayden came walking out with that stupid smirk on his face looking at me like he had just won the lottery.

"Hey neighbor". He smirked


Soooooooooo everyone...tell me what you think:) sorry the ending was a little rough, but i have to write a pretty humungous essay for English to get my grade up and i want to put 100% effort into it so i get an A lol:)

Anywho...don't forget to



And FANNN!!!!!

P.S To all of my lovely fans...i love you haha ( In a totally normal way lol)

and i am sooo greatful for all 46 of you because...welll...without you guys i would have given up dayzz ago.

P.S.S This is a shout out to my bestfriend Kaylee. im about to take her to the hospital because she thinks she has stomach ulcers!!:( Love you Kaylee.

Oh and uhhh...give me names pleaseee. I want to add new characters but when it comes to names..well im just really not too good. and Kaylee would help but shes been like bed ridden for straight dayz and she just got over toncelidous (or how the hell ever you spell it) so she couldnt talk .

Hope you enjoyed and i will post again tomorrow i swear if i can get 5 comments and 12 votes:)



Falling in Love with my brothers HOTT Jerkish best friend? (working title)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin