Falling In Love wtih My Brothers HOTT Jerkish best friend Chapter 13:)

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Authors Note at end.


***Isabelles POV***

I went to stretch my arms above my head and yawn but quickly opened my eyes to see two thick arms wrapped around me, pinning my arms to my side. Ugh and the loud pounding in my head didnt help me much either.

As i layed there trying to turn around, the nights events came crashing down around me. I MADEOUT WITH KAYDEN.. AND IN FRONT OF MY BROTHER!!.. Wow, okay so even yelling in youre head hurts. But oh my god. And the craziest thing- he wasnt even mad..

But why did i kiss Kayden?. I really gotta figure my stuff out i thought to myself as i finally rolled over.

If there is one thing i do know though, its that i most definately like Kayden, and he seems to like me so.. Why not act on it?

I leaned forwarded and kissed Kayden. His blue eyes fluttered open and he whispered,"Good morning", before he kissed me on the nose and got up to go to the fridge and grab a few sodas i had brought when i was packing.

He threw one towards me and asked,"So what do you want to do today?"

"Well i really want to go se-", i was cut of when i opened my soda and the sweet Dr.Pepper stickyness sprayed all over me the sheets but, of course, not Kayden.

Kayden was rolling on the floor laughing while i was sitting in a giant puddle of Dr.Pepper. Not to mention it had sprayed in my hair and was starting to seep into my bra which is really uncomfortable by the way.

 After a couple seconds of shock, i jumped up and ran to the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror, I shouted,"Are you fucking kidding me?!!" I had Dr.Pepper dripping from every place imaginable, and it was starting to make my hair look an od light brown color. And too make it worse, i could hear Kaydens endless laughter.



Boiling point

"You know what?," I yelled. Charging Kayden with on finger raised. "You can just laugh your happy  ass to your room", I said, opening the door and shooing him out to the hallway, him still laughing of course.

 "BB, seriously?" He asked, finding too much humor in this situation for me.

"Seriously", I answered,"I'm taking a shower ".

With that, I slammed the door, locked it, and ran into the bathroom. Immediatley stripping off my sticky clothes and ignoring the knocks on my door.

I patiently waited until the water turned warm and jumped in, washing off all of the soda.

What am I going to do about Kayden? Until yesterday i really couldnt stand the guy. I still dont know if i can stand him. But for some reason i want to be around. Hes funny, sometimes. And well, i guess that little kid crush sort of never went away.

After wringing out my hair, and finally getting out of the shower i had decided what to do about Kayden. Its probably not the best solution, but its what i got. Im just going to play it by ear. This is my Senior Trip, I want to have funn and relax with my friends for these 2 weeks. Anything that happens within them, ill deal with as it comes.


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Kaydens POV

"Seriously. Im taking a shower", she said, before slamming the door in my face with obvious force.

If anyone else would have freaked out like that i wouldve wondered what the hell was wrong with them, but after 16 years of knowing Bell, it's expected. She woke up with a fat hangover im sure, soda exploded all over her, and to top it off she is NOT a morning person. If she isnt woken up in the kindest way, she, no offense, but is a little bit of a raging bitch. I remember when we were younger me and Cooper would use that to our advantage by pouring water on her, throwing her off her bed, using blow horns, etc.  

Besides, after everything that happened last night she just needs time to think. I know we havent always been the kindest, or closest to eachother but after last night i hope she realizes that im really not a bad guy. She can trust me. I dont know this girls had me thinking hard. Im-

"Kayden!" Cooper yelled, when he saw me walking past the pool going back to my room after getting lunch. 

"Hey bro. Whats up?", I asked casually. Im still not sure if he was actually okay with me kissing BB, or if it was the alcohol in him last night. 

"Not much, swimming", he said nodding towards the pool, with a goofy grin on his face. Obviously everythings cool. He'll probably want to talk about it later though. "I was wondering if you and my sister would want to go snorkeling with us when we get to Catalina Island? It'll just be me, you, Chris, Bergen, Kaylee, Isabelle, and of course the guide". 

"Getting youre sister to go might be a little hard. Belle is in one of her famous morning moods". I told him, a small smile on my face from the memory of her little episode this morning.

"Hahah", he laughed. "Im so sorry you have  to deal with that. Actually, speaking of. Where is she?"

Coopers question completely reminded me that she hadnt texted me back after lunch, and neither did she answer my phone calls. "Thats a good question. She hasnt spoken with me since she shoved me out of her room this morning".

Coopers eyebrows raised a little when i mentioned her kicking me out of her room this morning. "Why did she shove you out of her room"?

 "Well you know how she has that weird obsession with Dr.Pepper? Yeah, well i grabed her one when we woke up this morning, and-", i stopped for a second because Cooper made that face again, then started,"Hey, all i did was crash out in her bed. Anyways, and I threw it to her. I guess it got shook up cuz' it exploded ALL over her", I started cracking up, remembering her face. "It was in her hair, and soaked her clothes. And well it was hella funny, so of course i started laughing.. and wel. Your sister had a hangover too, so she sort just, and i quote, "You know what? You can just laugh your happy ass to youir room".

By now Coopers doubling over in laughter, and yeah, even though i find it extremely funny. I dont find it that funny. After about 30 more seconds of his laughter getting harder and harder, insteadof stopping, i start getting pretty damn confused. That is, until i notice that Cooper isnt necesarially looking at me, but behind me. 

I turn around, just in time to get shoved in the chest, and sent head first into the pool, cellphone and all.

Isabelle  is so dead.

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Soo  to start off i need to say 2 things, of the same improtance.

1: IM SOOOO SORRY!!! I know its been forever but well. I have no excuse. But you should keep reading. I decided writing is something that makes me feel better so as long as you keep reading ill keep writing.:)

1. I have 105 fans!!!!! omfg<3 that makes my day/ week/ year lol

I havent written in a longgg time, so sorry if you dont like as much.. Buuut




<3 ajloves1 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2011 ⏰

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